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    yeah we always do the friends house im at is the one who offered to walk me on a lead and collar lol god i hate having hw
    not much just been on a ten minute shopping trip with my friend in which we ran and danced about now i back at hers, waiting for another friend to arrive and then we are going dancing and running and singing round place :) im such a child
    Okay, as you can tell I'm a furry lol
    I love black panthers :)
    As you can tell my fursona is bolt and my fur age is between 3-4
    yeah im good
    whats your fursona and fur age
    I don't really feel like listing them all. If you look it up, you'll see them.
    The play is The Servant of Two Masters. I wanted to be Truffeldino, Smiladina, Beatrice, or at least one of the three waiters, but I got Porter 1. It's a really crappy part. There are two porters and eight lines between the two of them. I'm pretty sure Mr. Tyler played favorites. Some of the people that got the big parts were really, really crappy at tryouts. It's really dumb.
    It's been pretty good. I tried out for the fall play at my school and made it to call backs today. I'm kind of nervous but excited at the same time. I know I'm not gonna get the part that I want (Mainly because it's a guy part and I know Mr. Tyler is gonna pick gender roles...), but I still really hope I make it.
    Haha I don't know.

    Sorry for the late reply, I haven't really been on much lately.
    That sucks...I don't think I've been getting enough sleepy byes lately, especially with the housekeepers I dealt with...They knocked on the door, calling "housekeeping!" until I finally dragged my butt out of bed and answered them. You think if you ignore them they'll go, they're persistant...
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