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  • S
    hey, yeah. my finals went OK. I'm reevaluating some things and am probably changing my major (better fit, etc.)
    I'll still be out in NY in the fall! Summer here is great!
    How's your summer going?
    I'll make sure to tell him. :biggrin:
    You too!
    It's too hot though...
    I took my last final today, and had to leave for a few minutes, because I was about throw up from the heat.
    I was fine though...
    I dissapeared for a couple months but I am back! How have you been?
    Hey Double W (The 2 "W"s in your screenname). How are you? Sorry for not messaging you in awhile. I've been kind of depressed, so I've been ignoring people. My apologies.

    Anyway, how's New York? I've never been there, but I get quite the impression from the people I've met who have, including one of my teachers. What's it like?
    Sup, Will?
    School gets out the 22nd... I can't wait.
    It's been ok. Wish I was working though. been meeting local furies left in right.
    not a whole heck of a lot. Just really busy with work and stuggling to find time to diaper up. How have you been??
    not much, finals week at college, getting stressed out and getting ready to go home.
    what's up with you?
    Hey there- it's been a while since I was on...
    Will call me when u get this
    Hey! Sorry I ignored you for the last 9 months or so! The little message indicator thingy on this site isn't obvious enough for me to notice. Look me up on AIM sometime, if you want. My SN is HappysAdvocate and my YIM is attends_attendant. ;)
    Nope, apparently half an inch of snow > floods

    There is actually a stream right next to a street I have to go through to get out, that overflowed, and flooded the street six inches, while flowing extremely fast. And it all flowed into the swamp in my backyard =/
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