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  • Cool you visited the east coast. How did you like it? I guess it must have been great. On the east coast I've only visited NYC. I loved it. About my jewelry company, it's over, I didn't like it. Now I'm back to being a bartender since a few months but I'm seriously thinking about going back to college. I've got the opportunity to do it so I'd like to take it in order to get a bachelor or master degree and find a better job. I still have to sort things out of all of this. Take care and glad to see you around again (I have been away for a while too (no more internet connexion at home but I've got a new one and hope it won't happen again!)
    Awww thanks Quattrus! Yeah I LOVE that picture too, I'm so happy with how it came out.
    Cool :) It's a pity I can't log anymore on my old account because I've lost all my mails, friends and positive reputation... And brain being a little bit weak I don't always remember things! lol
    I'm not working at the restaurant anymore, I was too sick but now I'm doing great! I'll soon start my own little company (selling jewelry) and by now I go back to school to study Dutch as I'm going to work in the flemish part of Belgium.
    It's great you're doing good!
    Take care! :d
    Hey there! Remember me? My old nickname here was Crohnick but I closed that account a few months ago. So I had to change my nickname...
    How are you doing? What's up since last year?
    Bye :d
    ok kool
    so long as u can enjoy the summer and your friends and passions! (did i say dipes?) LOL
    been working hard also, it seems really nuts because i am actually making less money than I did a year ago! (whats the solution? more working???)
    Ahhh..... This abena x+ is sooo amazing :D
    Oh wow! So you're pretty professional at this stuff, clearly? :p A program like that would just confuse me. I used Premiere for a bit, but it's not much different from Vegas - I find Vegas is just more compatible for me. I'm more of a shooting and editing person myself, but I have a bit of perfectionist in me, and since it's just me myself, I always want things to look exactly as I picture them - hence lots of animation and flashy things :D I really want to get into cameraman or cinematography work. Do you have a business for your filming, or is it just a hobby? I wish I could just leave uni and make films day after day.
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