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  • Haha thanks :)

    I've decided that someone needs to go through and welcome everyone so there ya go :) I'm glad someones notices my hard work :D

    I did go a bit far though didn't I. Need to leave space for other people to post :p
    Is that the episode when Homer becomes a volunteer fireman?
    Your Marge Simpson quote in your sig.

    I love it, and think it was genius of you to put it there.
    I was just reading your "About Me" section and I think it's really cool what you wrote about giving your life to the Lord. I became a christian last August and I've been struggling a lot with letting it show in what I do. I just had to commend you on that. Not many people have the guts or maturity to say something like that. = ]
    Yeah may have some kind autism but I got gift for computers when it come to web design or graphic design.
    Ah, shoped.

    Pretty creative anyway, cool link.
    hey sppdan, Can you hook me up with a link to the episode your AV is from?
    Thank you so very much for the rep, spddan!! **hugs**

    It had been awhile since I had gotten any of that!! You are so very welcome too, I felt that thread needed a comeback & it has been a great return for it too!! ^_^
    Hi. We havent talked yet you added me as a friend. How are you?
    Wow, you're a lot like me, I'm from Michigan, I LOVE hockey, The Simpsons, and I'm a gamer, plus I have also given my life to the Lord too. Should I be so brash to assume that you are a Red Wings fan? Unfortunately I live in Arizona now and I don't get to see any of the Wings playoff games because I don't have Cable or Direct TV.
    Hi spddan, I'm doing fine now as I decided it was safe to come back. I changed the mane because, of course, (Ilya) Kovalchuk is a mercenary who has no sense of obligation to the team he was both the captain and leading scorer of, not to mention the franchise and fans of whom he was the face. So now, my username honors Antropov. Thanks for saying hi!
    thanks! sorry i took to long to write back, im still getting the hang of this site
    Hey there!! I just wanted to say, congrats on getting to VIP status & to thank you for accepting my friendship offer!! ^_^

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