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  • P
    I was gonna leave you a visitor message this morning but had to leave quickly. Just to let you know I won't be able to get on skype much, if at all for a while my laptop is a pain in the butt and won't open the program anymore. Sorry, Because I know I said I was gonna be back on to speak to you soon but now can't :( I'll try to fix it soon.

    Nice vid, seen it a few days back when someone posted it on these forums, it may have been you but can't remember.
    hey, what's up man. I've just been super busy with exams and stuff, my last one being tomorrow, but I'm pretty stoked for Christmas. How're u doing???
    I've done very small scale versions of rope courses in Boy Scouts and they were pretty fun, but not as crzy as what you did!

    And the eagle scout group is not too bad of an idea. When I get some free time I'll haveta see where all the other scouts are on this site!
    Joined! Any other advice for swimming you might want?
    wut. I don't have a "sona" for anything. At least I don't think I do. I'm called clyde because I can't be called my real name because I'd get found out, and this was the first name I could come up with.
    Hiya, nice of you to visit! London is a great city for cycling :D Although it can be a bit congested.

    How are you today?
    I have :3 He's a great guy irl and online :3
    Still going strong! I have practice today, as a matter of fact. Breathing? For a beginner, I'd recommend keeping a consistent every three strokes breathing for freestyle. My best events are distance. 400s (16 laps), 500s (20 laps), etc. I haven't swam a 500 in QUITE a while, but my most recent best 400 clocks in at 4:52.

    In an average week, I swim an hour and a half, three or four times a week.
    Not much advice I can give. It is something that takes a good coach, and time. A coach can tell you to "do this" and "do that", but you won't improve until YOU figure it out for yourself. It takes starting to understand the... Flow of it all. And that took me roughly 4-5 years to do. Also, it takes a good amount of cardio, so you can boost your endurance and keep on swimming until you are done.
    I get ENOUGH swimming. I swim competitively year-round. So there really isn't anything fun about leisure swimming, save for slides and such. And then even in doing that, I can't stand outdoor pools... They're all full of leaves and dirt and dead bugs. And kayaking? More like get-covered-in-mucky-lake-water-ing!
    It's so DIRTY... With dirt, and mud, and bugs, and more of those things... YUCK.
    A Triathlon is a huge event, so let me know how it goes! I've always considered it, but my cardio is not that great. I do eventually want to do an obstacle course race at some point in my life, just to prove to myself that I can.
    And I'm the same way about things that aren't challenging, which is precisely why I like to exercise. What could be more challenging than competing against yourself to improve?
    Plus I'm glad to hear you express that life is precious. A lot of people take it for granted without even realizing it before it's too late and life passes them by. Just make sure you live life in the real world and not in a virtual one like most people are lately lol.
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