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  • I bought so much shit that my room is now a toilet :p

    I went to the Abridged Panel and got to meet some of my favorite voice actors.

    Went to sneak peeks for both Bandai and VizMedia.

    Saw a loooooooootta furries.

    Began to question whether I'm a furry or not >.>
    I told a certain person to "go f*ck a landmine". My rep dropped to -7 or -8. I forget which. My only regret is that I didn't tell him in a way he can't trace back to me. Because, at the time, it was necessary to say that, apparantly.

    My mind 'sploded.
    I mean, it is not particularly fun having to wait for every post to be approved by a mod.
    Hey, just wanted to say I am back, and being modded sucks.
    I really need to get to bed. This conversation isn't over. If you want to continue, just hit me up tomorrow.
    Then the decision is yours, honestly. You don't want to hurt her, yet you're tired of being hurt. You need to decide which path to take, and I can't tell you otherwise.
    If getting away from her isn't an option, then confront her. She needs to know how you feel when she says and does those things. If she's really your friend, she'll back off for a while.
    Then get the fuck away from her, man! I know it's hard, but seriously, if this girl is causing you that much emotional distress, then you need to get away from her, and focus on your life going forward rather than living in the past.
    Then there are two ways to deal with this then: Try and get over the fact that you once loved this girl and try to be friends with her like before, or get away from her for a while so you can give yourself time to just get over her. Unrequited love is a terrible, terrible feeling, but its not the end of the world. Or your life, for that matter.
    You know it'd be perfectly fine to just tell her that you need some time to get your head on straight, right? She knows you, and if she does, then she'll know that you're the kinda person that needs time to heal. Just ask her if you could take a short break from each other, maybe hang out without her for a week or two, and by that time, I'm sure you'll be ready to face her again without getting hurt.
    I was just teasing, nii-san....

    *huggles* Yes, virtual hugs don't do much. Though they do mean that I'd give you a hug if I could...I'm sorry, I wish I could do something to help you.
    Well, we're all going to have to side with a country at some point. If you could pull it off, you can side with a country who's motives are a bit more...dark :3
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