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  • S
    I'm still here! I've been given all of my stuff back except for all of my baby stuff which was thrown away :(
    But *hugs really tightly* I'm back and thank you for your support.
    I just have to "stop" until I move out because my parents don't like my infantilism. I tell them that it'll be more harm than good to give it up but they don't listen : /

    Well, I'll create an account on and maybe I can game with you tomorrow/Monday night?
    I'm looking forward to it!
    Your kitty ^^
    Please don't forget me! It'll be at least until summer is over. I'm not looking forward to this conversation with my dad tomorrow. I'll always be your kitten!
    *hugs tights and gives you a kiss* <3
    I still hope we can have that chess game relatively soon.
    Love You,
    I did and today is the first official day of (my) summer!
    And currently, I'm home alone cunning out as I'm writing this to you!
    I love summer!
    Hi, I'm finally on summer holidays! I'm great now the year is finally over!
    I'm gonna have to go to bed now, it is 00:39 and I'm dog tired. So I'm gonna do what I did yesterday *buries my head in your fur and falls asleep again*
    really sorry I missed you today, daddy.
    I'll talk to you tomorrow, OK?
    Your kitty
    Hey, just to let you know, I finally finished school! And I'm gonna be free all day tomorrow if you want to talk!
    I'll be online tomorrow night if you can't talk during the day.
    Your kitty,
    ^^ thanks ;)
    I'm looking forward to it too
    Can I just tell you something honestly? I just want to tell you something.
    You're one of the nicest people I've ever spoken to. I thoroughly enjoy our conversations and it's really rare that I get to talk to someone in the same position as me. I guess I'm being sad in saying this but I just wanted to tell you this before I go to sleep. We're having that chess game soon, you can count on it!
    I love you daddy <3
    *buries my face in your fur and I fall asleep.....*
    *hugs so tightly that you pass out, I resuscitate you and you're back in the room*
    Repeats "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU" You guessed right, I would like a babyfur version because I'm not very good at babyfurs (I'm getting better though ;) )
    I won't link it to you. I'll just say it was done by a friend :)
    Yes, I'd like pacis, I just wanted to see if you were OK with it!
    I think I might have a yellow paci and could I be wearing a yellow onsie (without legs) I don't know whether you'd want to make a that area a little bit puffy to show I'm wearing a diaper. I think that's it! Oh, and a baby bottle by my side. But apart from that, I'm a really happy kitty right now.
    I will literally draw anything you'd like (that I am capable of doing).

    However, if it is in any way ab/dl related, it doesn't get linked to me. :p You can just say a friend drew it. I suppose you want the younger (baby) version in that case then? ^^
    Anything else you'd like? Paci's or anything?
    Yes, we definitely ARE having a game of chess soon! Over here, chess isn't a very widely played game :-/ there aren't many chess clubs or anything like that there must be an online chess game we could play together somewhere!
    OK, I guess I misunderstood you as I'm really tired and I want school to end..One Day More!!!
    Anyway. Are you you OK with drawing Babyfurs? If not, it doesn't matter I'll have my Diaperfur fursona instead (it's the same fursona anyway :P) If you could draw a little 3 year old tiger with this plushie
    The background is block red
    I just want him to be sat down, wearing a diaper and to look as cute as you can make me and hugging that plushie.
    Here's a reo to my Diaperfur fursona if that helps: My First Ref Sheet!! by Scar-Tiger -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
    Please forgive the fact that I'm a rubbish artist but I'm getting better. Anywayme just imagine that tiger but about 12 years younger.
    Hope that's OK for you..
    Your kitty
    OK, I'd like you to send me some details. Hope you're good at chess, I play pretty well!
    See ya then
    So, I did my exam and I think I did well. I'll just have to wait a couple of weeks to find out if I passed or not. Anyway, how are you? If you'd like a chat with me, I'm free tonight! You don't have to but I'm just saying.
    Your kitty,
    Take as long as you need on my drawing. I'm finally off school tomorrow but I'll need to catch up with my own drawing requests :3
    I'll post it on FA but I won't put a link in to you account. If you have real life friends watching that account and you want to keep it secret. Well, I'll do my best to keep it for you. I know it's not easy keeping a secret as anyone else on ADISC would tell you :p
    I need to get ready for school in T minus 10 minutes (the bus gets to my street at around 7:25am) but I may as well
    *cuddles next to you and has a very cubbish look on my face when I fall asleep*
    your kitty
    Well, I've got my saxophone exam tomorrow, wish me luck!
    And BTW, I like it when you call me "kitty", it makes me feel really little and special. I'm gonna turn in early so I'm refreshed for tomorrow.
    Sweet Dreams, Daddy! *yawns sleepily*
    your kitty :p
    I can't believe how hot it's been.. 114 F a few weeks ago! D:

    Has it seriously been two weeks? I thought it was longer, I lost track even! D:
    No, I understand. Well, I'm really glad you had a good time. I might as well call them requests but I'm doing this for practice and I didn't want people to think I was going to be cheap with them :p

    I was in a school production and as a thank you note, the teachers decided to take us to London to see it and it was brilliant. I bought the Diamond edition of the Disney movie while I was there and people were bugging me why I'd spend £12 on a DVD, I just told them it would be a special memory :)

    And BTW, if you could do a request for me that would be really cool and I would be eternally greatful *gets down on knees and starts begging repeating "PWEASE, PWEASE, PWEASE!"* unfortunately, I don't have a ref sheet for my baby fursona :( . So I'll have to PM you the details.
    Anyway, glad to hear from you again
    Your kitty :p
    Oh, I forgot how to ask how your holiday was :) I hope you enjoyed yourself! *cuddles up next to you and hugs really tightly*
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