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  • ha Ben whats up.

    ha dude I just poot the new chapter in of my store I would love it if you read it and tall me what you think

    PS cool new avatar
    Hey, reply to DFW2! I hate reminding you for EVERY SINGLE POST!
    I know how you are thinking because I have debated breaking this new to my parents for a while.

    She will certainly see you beyond the surface if you tell her but you have to realize that she knows something is troubling you and she probably believes that confiding in her will ease your pain. No parent wants to see their child hurt or sad.I mean, I feel this way about some of my little cousins and I am sure it is a feeling amplified many fold for a parent.

    However I don't want to in any way pressure you into telling her.
    *wave* Hiii! Thank you for saying such nice things. <3 I appreciate it.
    You should accept my friend request :D

    Also feel free to VM or PM me to talk about whatever you need or want to. :)
    Yeah, Ares is about to get killed. You may want to stop that from happening.
    Hey big bro! I responded to Diaperfur Wars 2, and I don't want the thread to die!
    the site owner of he goes by the name Josh but his real name is Doug
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