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    i think they're a legit team on the upswing, since they traded for phaenuf (or however you spell it) and giguere. personally, tho, im a blue jackets fan:) r u a maple leafs fan? if u r then u shud sympathize with rick nash
    haha, yea, adisc, as well as be a hockey nerd n go 2 the park, n play super smash bros:)
    I wish i could bake, thatd be a nice talent to have
    lol i think i mite:) plus i have an sat class tonite, which i haven't done the homework for in like a month so i have to do some work 2nite
    haha same here! i have 200 pages in a book to read, as well as finish a project about the book too by monday:)
    oh, procrastination
    aw thats too bad; i'm alright, just really bored
    ok:) well, i play hockey n track, n i'm in a band which i play bass for
    my fave band is the beatles
    i'm also a babyfur, which i just recently found out.
    so how r u 2day:)
    ok, well, what kinda stuff do you want to kno?
    kind of sort of.. my older brother intorudced me to the TV show last year around thanksgiving. I listen to some episodes but not a lot, I rarely find them interesting.
    The artist formerly known as me is going to shower soon.
    I don't target you. I read every post every day, except for the two weeks I was out of the country. You are just frequently going beyond the level of "following the rules" and heading into the area of "mindless follower". Yes, there is a huge difference.
    Because a lot of what you say is naive and wrong. You follow the rules to the letter without questioning it. Like I said many times, before actually posting any "advertisements" he should have it approved by a mod, but blanket bans are almost always stupid. I still disagree with Moo's blanket ban on chan memes. Hell, the only reason I use them is because he is so adamant about it being against the rules. They have no appeal for me, but flat-out saying "you can't say this harmless thing" is a stupid rule.
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