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  • Oh, if only my cliche-ridden story could have been "critically acclaimed" and "loved by just about everyone." Please, O Grand Story Master, teach me how to write chapters that will leave them wanting more! Teach me!
    Telling someone to stop being a "Creaper" on the grounds of an event that happened to them when they were younger is not very uplifting or positive in the least. I'm just saying, don't call people names just because of your personal opinion.
    cool, i'll have to check those out!
    as for me, i think it's time i went 2 bed :p
    i see, what r some of your stories? i haven't really read many of the stories on here :p
    kewl! i'm just kinda getting started as far as art goes, i'm terrible at writing tho lol, did you make ur own avatar cuz it's really good!
    my name's sam, nice 2 meet u 2!
    Dude, I don't wanna get into a fight with you. I consider you a friend. And I apologize, I haven't been reading your more recent reviews. I'm sorry if I offended you at all.
    Hey man, I mean no offense. It's just that based on your past reviews, they seem to be all about how bad a story is. And I'm not telling you to sugarcoat anything, I'm just saying that it's a pretty good story.
    Yeah man no worries, expect a comment. im working my way through steal me away so i hope to be able to comment on it sometime this week
    To Mikeru117: This will be the first time that I have ever written anything on this wonderful thing we call the internet! And although I don't think I can truly articulate my thoughts to you, I at least have to make the attempt! What a gift you have Mikeru117, and what a gift you have given those of us who look for
    stories and experiences of others to help gain insight and understanding of what for most of my life i thought I was alone with, the desire to wear diapers just
    because. Now of course I know there are a great number of people that have the same desire. And though this great story doesn't relate to me exactly, I am
    able to take many things from it and the characters you have created for it, things like the courage and honesty to accept myself for who I am. I hope you
    can understand kind of what I mean? (Did I mention I am not the most articulate of people?) I guess I just want to say Thank You!!! Thank You for sharing your
    great talent with us! God Bless
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