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  • U
    Lol well i dont know the differnce since on red dead thats nothing lol.
    Ya I know but still man that hurts lol jk.
    Ya I know I know pick on the dim kid. But one day us dummies will take over the world. (The sad part is I'm on the honer roll in my school)
    I just read a part of it, but I think it was pretty good :)
    Lol now i feel like an idiot, I've seen R1. I forgot that the first 25 episodes were R1 and the other 25 were R2... It made me sad.
    Hey Mikeru wanna do some forging,custom games matchmaking etc
    im kinda bored reply if you up for it
    Haha, oh well that actually makes far more sense! I became nocturnal during the school holidays when I was 16, I used to go to bed at about 8am just as my parents were getting up, and then get up again at about 6pm just in time to have dinner for breakfast! Well, I hope you are well rested now after sleeping all day - and what else are Sundays for but sleeping anyway :)
    Oops, I just posted my reply to you on my wall! *babyjess fails*

    Anyway, I repeat: Comment posted! Sorry it ended up being so long, but I figured you'd want an honest and detailed comment rather than just 'I liked this, more please.'

    Do you always get up so early? I didn't get up til just after 10am today, and when I was 16 I often wouldn't get up til gone midday! I wish I was more of an early riser, but I seem to go to bed too late for that.
    Hehe, 6:14, on a Sunday morning. Why!?

    And don't worry, I notice spelling mistakes in my work all the time. Even when I proof-read things several times over I'll still find spelling mistakes I missed! I read your guide though and I thought it was really good, very comprehensive! I noticed that 'conclusion' needed the text to be formatted so it read like a title, but I didn't even notice the spelling errors. Funny how your eyes can often just scan over errors and assume that they are correct!

    Oh, and I am just writing my response to Jesse's book for you! :)
    Always with the killing stuff, computer games! I don't think I have ever played a game with dragons, I used to play Jurassic park, but that was more about dinosaurs. You had to collect these eggs to raise your own dinosaurs to fight enemy dinosaurs or something. It was rather exciting, but I only had the demo so never got to play the whole way through.

    Anyway, I've finished Jesse's book, or the parts posted thus far. Generally I am really impressed by it, it is certainly very original and kept me hooked. There were a few minor things I will bring up on your thread when I comment, but nothing major, for the most part I really enjoyed it! Although I kind of regret reading it now after waiting so long to begin, I remembered how much I hate starting a good story before it's finished! I hate the slow, one-chapter-at-a-time updates I know will follow. But at least I know you are committed enough to writing that you will finish it :)

    Anyway, I am off to bed now. night x
    Ooh, I don't really know what that is, but I'm guessing a game about dragons? Sounds exciting anyway! You will be glad to know that I am reading through Jesse's book! I probably wont have time to comment on it before I go to bed, so I will read tonight and comment tomorrow (I know you won't ever forgive me if I neglect the commenting! Feel free to send me a little nudge to remind me tomorrow though if I forget.). I will say I am really enjoying it though - far more than I thought I would. I am really impressed, the story is so unique and rather encapsulating! It definitely has my attention more than the Away series, the story is certainly far more up my street! :)

    Anyway, if you find yourself with any free time between dragon games then I would love for you to take a look at my latest story - I don't know if it is the sort of thing you would like or not, but the male character is a boy! x
    Yep! I just posted the latest part of the story I'm writing and so I think I'm going to leave the writing there for tonight :)
    Some guy in the flats across the street beat up a girl. A massive fight ensued. Three police cars and a police van turned up with at least 10 police officers. One guy was dragged out by four policemen, he had to be pinned down and was then carted off in the police van. A girl also arrested. Then the girl the guy had beaten up was taken off in an ambulance, although she seemed okay from what I could see. Then there were at least 10 other people involved, shouting and swearing at the police and at each other. The whole commotion happened right outside my bedroom window (where I nosily watched from the window!) and lasted almost an hour. Was kind of scary, I am a bit scared to walk past the flats after dark now!
    Yes! I started reading it last night actually, before I got distracted by the police/ambulance and general ruckus happening across the street. I think that's probably why I was dreaming about it! I didn't get to finish it, but I definitely will do! At the moment I have been struck by a need to work on my own story, but once that creative spell dissipates (it probably will in an hour or so) I will read the last bit. :D
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