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  • S
    Hey there! I'm just stopping in (while also trying to be a friendly cub and neighbor) to let ya know you're no longer the only member in the "Kentucky People" group :). ~Stunner
    PS: if your ever looking for another friend dun be afraid to drop me a message on here sometime :)
    Hey, I realize I never responded to your message. Glad you like my story. Please feel free to add me!
    oh, do you have a wii i could probably friend you on there.
    thank you, and no i dont have a ps3, why?
    I think that I have found a way to explain what I was talking about before
    Please don't mention you diaper in every post, have you character grow up a little, as I said before this is an action adventure type of RP. I don't mean any offense but if you dont, I will kick you off
    For this RP I was going for action adventure not (well I'm not sure what it would be called) we can continue what we are doing but could we make it a bit more subtle, like "she clutched his hand as the man walked up" or "as she ran to him she accidentally called 'daddy!" kind of like that we can finish what we started on the thread. And if you don't want to stop then I guess we don't have too, I was just asking if we could tone it down a bit.
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