When you loose control, what words do you use?

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philmydiaper said:
I think he may have meant Virginia not Veterans Administration,, but you have to ask him.
if it is medicaid all i have to do here is every year go to family dr and she writes out a prior auth sends it to medicaid in my behalf and in a couple weeks they send me the ok to use said company to pick out what works best for me in the last few years with some changes for the better i have been lucky that i have been able to buy my own as the ones the state sent me was junk and i was ate up with diaper rash from them i stumbled across northshore and there line of diapers and been buying them i still send medicaid a letter from dr and they do put my diapers on out of pocket and give me a few extra bucks in there hope this helps
To myself I say:
Mommy! I made a poo-poo.
Mommy! I wented pee-pee.
When I am all alone at home and I start to wet myself unintentionally, I don't usually say anything, but I suddenly have a big happy smile on my face. However, when it happens at work, and people are around and I fel I have to say something ... I just say I have to go to the loo.
I Pee Peed, or I Pooped ... for some reason I whine or whimper IM POOPING! whilst im going followed by a bunch of little fake cries. Alone or with someone.
Generally I say nothing but if needed the 2 - 4 times per year I provide an alert such as "I wet myself last night, need to change first thing". Most times I just get up and use the toilet and put on a robe or sweat pants over my trainers / plastic underpants and change later into "normal under".
I wet myself!
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Wet myself.

Weed myself.
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Sometimes I simply say:
"Uh oh!"

But generally I say:
"Awwwwww....That feels great! What a relief!"
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Going Potty
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