To My Father


Pokemon Trainer in, err, Training... Pants
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Babyfur
I am sick of you controlling my life.

I am sick of you treating me like I'm incompetent, retarded.

I am sick of you acting as if you know better than trained professionals.

I can lead my mother on vacation, over a thousand miles away, and bring us home in one piece. Oh, but you left the porch light on? Oh, the bird has an empty bowl? How could you live alone?

I've had two therapists tell me I could live independently, but apparently a mechanic who won't pick up a book unless it's a car magazine or a repair manual knows more about disabled people than college-educated folk.

You're a homophobic bigot. Racist, too. I'm tired of you complaining about when my mother gets a haircut, telling her she looks like a lesbian. Surprise! There's an actual lesbian living under your roof. I don't fit that stereotype, eh? Gay people on TV, how terrible! Better go watch Joel Olsteen instead, take some life advice from a millionaire.

''And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.'' - Matthew 19:24

Practice what you preach, Joel.

How am I supposed to believe that you know better, Father, when sometimes you look at the world with such naivety? Why do you act so upset when people are jerks? Why do you act like that's so surprising? You're almost 55 years old, but yet my eyes are more jaded than yours.

I'm not going to try to change you. I deal with only my own problems. But when you make your problems mine, that's where I draw the line.

You're so naive, I suppose you can't even figure out why I want to leave so badly.
Not sure if this is a rhetorical post so just ignore my comments if it is.

I cannot relate to having a father that is bad but I can relate to people telling me I can't do certain things or live a certain way.

My advice is to make some goals like getting your own place if you have not already. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do if you have something you want to do especially something like living on your own.

I know it sounds cheesy but you can do way more than you think you are capable of.
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I think you're wise to know you can't change him. Though my parents were wonderful people, I certainly know people who I have no intention of spending any time with. They are not going to change and so I try to stay away from them as much as I can. I have my own sanity to protect.
dogboy said:
I think you're wise to know you can't change him. Though my parents were wonderful people, I certainly know people who I have no intention of spending any time with. They are not going to change and so I try to stay away from them as much as I can. I have my own sanity to protect.
Too bad real life doesn't come with an ''ignore'' button...

It seems my whole future happiness lies in getting on disability. I want to get out of here and get my own place in the projects so badly. I know most people would rather get out of the projects, but it's going to be about my only option for living independently.
KimbaFoxNatsume said:
You're so naive, I suppose you can't even figure out why I want to leave so badly.
Well... :-/ If wanting leads to getting, then there's a silver lining.

(Also, ADISC Achievement "Dodgin' Lightnin'" awarded for putting Bible verses and pentagrams into the same post.)
My reaction.
Reading the heading: I'm a father anything to learn!?
Reading the post: My fatherheart cringes, ny natural parenting mecanism just want to protect and help.

I hope you will be able to get help or get a better situation.