"The Terrible Twos" and Little you


Est. Contributor
  1. Little
  2. Other
Do you see yourself as being cranky, or tantrumy, or whiny, as a little?
I can sulk and be a bit whiny, bu that;s usually because mummy has said NO to something or I'm tired. I daren't throw a tantrum or she starts counting, if I'm not at least on the bed by the time she reaches 5 then it's the naughty stool.
PCBaby said:
I can sulk and be a bit whiny, bu that;s usually because mummy has said NO to something or I'm tired. I daren't throw a tantrum or she starts counting, if I'm not at least on the bed by the time she reaches 5 then it's the naughty stool.
With me, no whining, but I mutely sulk, if I am too physically fatigued with respect to my cerebral palsy or I am cognitively overloaded with respect tto my Autism and I am in "shutdown mode".
Honestly, it depends on how I feel. Sometimes, I want to be a big boy and use the potty, but others, I like my diapers and don't wanna go potty.
If I'm under a lot of stress, yes, little Katie is not happy, and kicks and screams when she plays with her toys, and wants her toys all the time. My stress just go's away.
PurpleScorpion said:
Do you see yourself as being cranky, or tantrumy, or whiny, as a little?
Have you been spying on me!

I a good Little really. Apart from when Issac says no.

And being a bratt is part of the fun. Gives the caregiver a reason for spanking. And getting told off as a toddler, put me further into Little space.
Not cranky or whiny, but sometimes into mischief.
Bad boy, always ends spanked. That's me.