My pet peave is... (you just saw mine, The Grammar Corrector)

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Meowstic said:
My pet peeve is when people don't even bother trying to compile an intelligible paragraph. I don't mind if other people don't have the best English skills, whatever. But people completely ignore the squiggly red line underneath every third word in their sentences. That's just laziness.

Yeah, this is me as well. Mostly I just ignore posts when I can tell that no effort went into them, but sometimes the absence of all capitalization, punctuation, and basic sentence structure is so egregious that I can't restrain myself. In general, my philosophy on forum-posting is: If you want a good response, you'll take the time to make a good post. Otherwise, the old "garbage in, garbage out" thing is in full effect.
Maxx said:
LOL. You're in good company. Mrs. Maxx NEVER clears it, while I ALWAYS set it for the time I want it to cook and let it run. One of those things that drives you crazy when you've been married as long as I have. Who knew. Microwaves didn't exist when we said "I do".

Lol right, anytime my ex sees that it's not cleared he looks at me ... and I nod "Ya it was probably me" and he is like "Of course, who else would it be?"
I also often forget my drink upstairs .. so come down ... only 3 minute later to have to go back up giggling and blushing cause I know some is going to say .. "Forgot your drink?"
Argent said:
Gah my children and my coworkers are that sort of lazy.... in both instances their is a "clear" button!

brabbit1987 said:
I do that by accident sometimes if I get distracted. More often than not I will just put 3 minutes on the microwave no matter what it is. and just judge it accordingly. Sometimes I could end up doing something else at the same time. So, if I get distracted I may forget to clear it.

Maxx said:
LOL. You're in good company. Mrs. Maxx NEVER clears it, while I ALWAYS set it for the time I want it to cook and let it run. One of those things that drives you crazy when you've been married as long as I have. Who knew. Microwaves didn't exist when we said "I do".

Wow, and here I thought I was the only one that got annoyed with that, lol.
Ya, my [ex]roommate would do it ALL the time, I wouldn't have cared as much if I didn't use the microwave clock all the time.
So I would look at it, see 1:35 and think its 1:35 already?!? Oh wait, no, grrrr, its the cook time.
Bad Grammar. I know some people have grammar nazis as pet peeves. Sorry, but basic grammar mistakes drive me crazy. I don't say anything cause I know a lot of people don't like it and it won't do much good. But deep down inside, I want to be that person who will respond to someone and correct them. It's not "Your a bad person"! It's "You're a bad person"! Learn the difference between your and you're! Oh, and there, their, and they're as well.

Also, just slow and pokey people. Please know what you want to order when you get to the counter. Please don't be that person holding everyone up.

Marka said:
"Fargin Iceholes!" That are in lane-1 on the freeway (passing-lane in the US), going 45-MPH (in a 70-MPH zone) and, won't budge for shite and a cannon - Only - unless, you decide to pass on the right; in which case, without warning or turn-indicator... they'll quite promptly move to the lane you are going for...
(*@$^%^%@!!!)... View attachment 28072
I get annoyed by people going 65 mph in 70 mph zones (The limit may technically be 70 mph, but the flow of traffic is at 80 mph if its a rural freeway. Please follow the flow of traffic. Another big pet peeve).

If you're going 45 mph in a 70 mph zone, I'd probably pull my hair out in frustration, zoom past you, and I'd probably be suppressing road rage. GET OFF THE FREEWAY!!! And if you're switching to the right lane, I sincerely hope that it's because you realized that you're a slow driver that doesn't belong in the left lane (and 45 mph is too slow for even the right lane. Speed up). Oh, and not signaling before changing lanes, another huge pet peeve.

This is all I can come up with at the moment, but I'm sure that there are many other things that I'd classify as pet peeves that I can't think of at the moment.
Gsmax said:
Bad Grammar. I know some people have grammar nazis as pet peeves. Sorry, but basic grammar mistakes drive me crazy. I don't say anything cause I know a lot of people don't like it and it won't do much good. But deep down inside, I want to be that person who will respond to someone and correct them. It's not "Your a bad person"! It's "You're a bad person"! Learn the difference between your and you're! Oh, and there, their, and they're as well.

One of the reasons grammar was never seen as a big deal to me is due to how language works in the first place. Language is created strictly for communication. So if the person in question has bad spelling but I can still understand what that person is saying, then it's perfectly fine. Sure, it puts more work on me, but that is ok. The same goes with grammar. If someone says "Your a bad person" ... I already know exactly what they mean. It doesn't even require much work because of context. In fact many languages use the same word and spelling which can mean various things depending on the context of the sentence. If something like that bothers you so much even though you know exactly what they meant, you have to question, why is that?

Also just because someone does use your in place of where you're is suppose to be, actually doesn't necessarily mean they have bad grammar either. I find many people actually do know the difference and do know how to use proper grammar, they just make mistakes often while typing and they don't tend to care since they are not in a professional environment where it really should matter.

Now keep in mind those who have such terrible grammar that it's borderline unreadable, that is a problem. It goes back to my point, language is about communication. If people can't understand what you are saying, it means you are failing at communicating.

Edit: Those who often feel the need to correct others grammar when it's understandable, their problem isn't so much the grammar. I doubt the grammar actually bothers them that much. Rather they found an opportunity to correct someone and so they take it. Probably makes them feel better about themselves some how. Sort of like a superiority complex of some sort.
Maxx said:
So this morning I get up and the microwave is at 0:03. REALLY? Seriously??!! Even if you're too lazy to clear it, you couldn't let it run the last 3 seconds??!!!!!

XD ... Well I can say I have at least never done that .... I think.
Maxx said:
So this morning I get up and the microwave is at 0:03. REALLY? Seriously??!! Even if you're too lazy to clear it, you couldn't let it run the last 3 seconds??!!!!!

If it runs out the clock, the alarm/notification goes off. On my old microwave, it wasn't possible to stop this by any means short of a hammer. I try to remember to clear it but occasionally I slip.
We turn ours off at the plug when it's not in use.
I get attacked by the gramer police all the time expecialy on political forms.... I have found that most of the gramer police like to show off their masters degree in English but have nothing to say about the topic in question...... In other words they can't come up with a good if any counter augument. So the opped to personal attack you and implay your a idiot because you can't spell or you didn't catch that bam autocorrect blunder.....
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