Log of Diapered Memories #6 - Cloth Diapers Part 3


Salt and Light, Diapers and Wipes
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
  3. Carer
  4. Other
This episode includes the first time I ever wore a diaper in public. Even though I was terrified of being found out - the joy of being diapered/feeling little was too much to resist. This also marks the first time of wearing a diaper in church.

I grew up in a religious home. It was Christian - even though we later found our church was kooky - but that's not really relevant to the story. My parents were devout - so anytime the doors were open it felt like we were there. So on Wednesday night we were going to church. For some reason I decided I would go diapered. I pinned a diaper on and put on a pair of plastic pants. I managed to squeeze into my black jeans. I have no clue what it looked like - but I must have thought it was passable...because surely no one would think a child of my age would be wearing a diaper.

To add to the ridiculousness of this I decided to wear a newly received hot pink malt-o-meal fanny pack that I'm guessing was some sort of promotional gift if you sent in x number of proof of purchase(s). We didn't have a lot of money so bagged cereal was definitely a go to.


Not only did I decided to wear this in addition to being diapered. I decided to stuff it full of toys and other trinkets...which I knew I would get in trouble for having if taken out...but I thought I would look cooler than cool. (I didn't)

I remember getting to church and not being too terribly self conscious. Either I was completely clueless about people connecting the dots - or I truly felt my secret was safe. It's possible I decided to wear the fanny pack to obscure the fact I was wearing a diaper/had something sticking out of my pants. Although I can't recall if I was that forward thinking at that time. We sat through praise and worship time until we were dismissed to children's church.

I walked to children's church and I think I may have sat by a classmate (I went to the church sponsored private school). I remember being somewhat self conscious but for the most part it was a non issue. I remember wetting myself several times during this and feeling equal parts exhilarated and naughty. I started to open the fanny pack because I wanted some street cred and promptly was asked to put it away.

While there isn't too much to report I remember this vividly in my mind. I can only guess it was quite the rush to do this and therefore imprinting it upon my mind. What happened after church was near disastrous.
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Oh man, I'd never have found the courage to do that. Church was two hours out of every week during which I always did exactly as I was told. I sat still with my little mouth shut unless I was holding a hymn book or saying the Lord's Prayer, heh. My parents weren't especially devout, though. We stopped attending church regularly when I was 10 or 11.
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How did you hide the cloth diaper afterwards? Disposable you can throw away but cloth goes in the laundry
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please tell us more. How old were you at the time. please elaborate about your disastrous after church
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babyjoey1 said:
please tell us more. How old were you at the time. please elaborate about your disastrous after church
Hear! Hear! But I'm supposing that was meant for Log #7.
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Yes, #7 will get to all of this...I guess I better post it! But if there are still questions I'm happy to answer.
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