list sexy/sensual replies for an AB mommy to reject an ABs sexual advances


Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
example :
maybe when you are older
I dont date littles
yeah right, like I would ever do that with you kido
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Reactions: AComputerGuy
"No little stinkers allowed"
"You need to practice your manners"
"Aw look at this little man pretending he has a girlfriend!"
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Reactions: camperspampers1, Traveller, Boo and 1 other person
I'm your mommy, not your girlfriend
Babies aren't supposed to have sex
You're just a baby.
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Reactions: ABCoder
"Mommy can't have sex right now,"
"Be big girl and drink your bottle"
"Mommy will change your diaper in a minute, We'll see"
I told you if you mess your diapers, you'll just have to wait until mommy has time to change you.
I can see your pee-pee is big, but you'll just have to take care of yourself this time, mommy's not in the mood.
No, mommy is not going to let your do that until your are potty trained.
"I need your credit card number". If you say that, any genuine will definitely get out of your hair
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Reactions: sbmccue and BobbiSueEllen
You're just a little diaper baby
No sexy time because mommy said so
Full name calling