Hate, hate, HAAATE close calls.

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I fell asleep the other day in full-on baby mode and woke up to my dad barging into my room. I ended up having to throw on a pair of jeans over my (soaked) diaper and helping him carry in groceries. That's the closest I've come recently, it really is unpleasant.
Dan09 said:
I had to dodge/conceal the fact that I was wearing a bambino teddy for almost SIX hours just this past week when a longtime friend of mine (who has lived abroad for years) unexpectedly showed up last week.

She talked my ear off with me praying the entire time for an opportunity to sneak away and take off the (thankfully dry) diaper I had on underneath some sweatpants. Tense reunion of the year..

The fact that you managed to go six hours and still end up with a dry diaper is (I think) the truly remarkable part here :p

Props to you for keeping things well under control for that long, even with the added nervousness ^^
Okamiyasha said:
The fact that you managed to go six hours and still end up with a dry diaper is (I think) the truly remarkable part here :p

Props to you for keeping things well under control for that long, even with the added nervousness ^^

I guess it's just a matter of bladder capacity and expectations. I don't see six hours as remarkable at all, unless I'm drinking a lot.
Back in my pre teen and teenage years I had a lot of close call due to the fact that I had to buy diapers off of my schoolyard buddies (they had younger siblings and I was desperate.
A month or so ago I had a close call with a roommate. I got a diaper in the mail, and my roommate opened the package. He told me he didn't see what was in it, so I got lucky. It was one of the Rearz diapers, so it would have been really weird if I had to explain to him what it is.
I once had to get sellotape from up the hallway (long story) and ran into my dad. Fortunately I had my onesie on over my diaper (they know I own them and have no problem in it - my dads the only one who doesn't have a onesie) but all I could think was "please don't crinkle!"
Another time I was sucking on a pacifier (not a diaper story, but same sorta idea) and someone knocked on the door. Forgetting I was sucking, I said "come in" ... Yeah um... I didn't even realise my mistake until he questioned me. Then I blushed, said "why not?" And we never spoke of it again... Yeah um... That's the worst...
Once my roommate came home earlier than expected and almost caught me. I threw on a shirt and got under my blanket. Otherwise I was sitting there in a soaked diaper talking to him. Such a close call.
i once was caught by a GF. Went to the horse races got drunk came home put on a diaper and went to bed as i had worked nightshift the even before. My GF at the time came home and hopped into bed with me. Felt my diaper and hopped out. I did not even know she had got in bed with me as i had passed out. got up thinking Iam all alone walk downstairs to find my GF there. No need to hide your diaper i know you wearing one. Im like how did she know. She told me and then within 2 weeks i was dropped.
Entropio said:
Another time I was sucking on a pacifier (not a diaper story, but same sorta idea) and someone knocked on the door. Forgetting I was sucking, I said "come in" ... Yeah um... I didn't even realise my mistake until he questioned me. Then I blushed, said "why not?" And we never spoke of it again... Yeah um... That's the worst...

Sorry it happend, but I'd of loved to see their reaction. LOL
computerProgrammer said:
Sorry it happend, but I'd of loved to see their reaction. LOL

It was sorta just both of us staring at each other XD And I get what you mean, things are more amusing after a while.
Yes, I had a very close call just last week. I was in my room and had just taken off my drynite, and had thrown it away at the very top of my trash can (plainly visible). I had just walked across the room to throw a pair of shorts on to walk to the shower, and was planning on coming back to hide the used drynite better underneath some of the other trash, but just then I heard a knock on the door and my mom was about to come in (she even started twisting the door handle). I managed to tell her I was changing and needed her to stay out just in time, because had she opened the door she definitely would have seen the drynite in very plain sight. I just wish my bedroom door had a lock on it. I'm definitely going to be a lot more careful in the future after that.
I'm pretty sure my mom saw my Goodnites Tru Fit hanging up to dry on the handle of my closet door earlier today... Hope it looked enough like underwear that it wasn't noticed :)
Sheik said:
I'm pretty sure my mom saw my Goodnites Tru Fit hanging up to dry on the handle of my closet door earlier today... Hope it looked enough like underwear that it wasn't noticed :)

I wouldn't worry too much. They look enough like normal underwear that if you didn't have any prior reason to know or suspect what they were I doubt she would expect they were anything out of the ordinary. But yeah, it's terrifying.
When I was 14, I had a massive close call that would have ended me for sure if I'd actual been caught. I had swiped a pull-up from my next-door neighbor, and had been putting it on in the bathroom closest to my bedroom in the middle of the night. That night, I decided to wet it a little bit, just to see. Well, that was the night when my dad decided to knock on the door and ask why I was in the bathroom so long (which wasn't particularly rare for me), but sometimes they will actively wait until I come out to go back to bed. The problem here was that I had decided to only wear the diaper to the bathroom. So, here I am, a 14-year-old boy, wearing a soggy girl's pull-up, with my dad outside the bathroom waiting for me to come out. Thankfully, he bought that I wasn't feeling well, and I was able to quickly slip back to my room to hide the diaper and get back into bed, but that was way too close for comfort.
I live with my sister and keep my stash in an opaque container. I'm sort of ok with her knowing, she can't prove there is nothing medically wrong :p But I don't go out of my way to show or tell her either. We work opposite shifts, so most of the time I don't see her anyway. :)
I just had another one the other night again...the parents were gone and I had the house to myself. I put some diapers on and left some sitting on the floor in my room. I left to go do something and completely forgot about the ones sitting on my bedroom floor. When the parents got home, my dad went into his room (he has to pass mine to get to his) and I walked into my room shortly afterwards. Luckily, my light was off but when I flipped it on my diapers were out in full view! I don't think he saw because he hasn't said anything or given me a strange look. I have been having more and more close calls lately and every single time I get scared out of my mind!
Had one close call. When I trying out depends adult daiper one morning. My gf had came home early like few hours early. Was not expecting her to come home so early . When she walk in door i was standing right there with soak daiper with just t shirt on and I had ran in bathroom and removed daiper and hind it. My gf did not respond me nonthing or act differ. Asked her did see anything odd she said no. My guess she missed it. And I told her what happen. She did not make big deal about it. She did not care about it. I was very surprise and went on. I was all worked up for first half hour when it happen. And still with her. Thank goodness
I haven't had many close calls as far as diapers are concerned aside from this one occasion; my mom came home while I was in the shower and I still had a diaper in the trash in my room.

Most of my close calls involve my bottle, I had one last night in fact. I almost left my bedroom with my bottle in hand, but I noticed my roommate's bedroom door was wide open, which meant he went downstairs to use the bathroom, so I quickly threw the bottle back in my room on my bed. As he was heading upstairs, one of my cats barged into my room, swinging the door well-enough open for my roommate to have seen the bottle on my bed had he been passing by the door at that exact moment.

I had another one with my roommate a couple months ago where I was walking down the hall with the bottle in my hand, but thankfully it was too dark for him to see it.

There's another one where I forgot I was drying my bottle in the dish drainer when my brother came home. He didn't see it from within the huge mass of dishes, but I still threw a dish towel over it; he made no note of it whatsoever.

Bottom line: Close calls suck.
When I was 15, I placed a folded towel on my bed one night, lay face down on it, and wet myself. Not a complete soaking, but enough for a huge wet patch to form on my light grey sweatpants. I wanted to see if there would be a visible stain on them after they dried out, so after wetting them, I stashed them under my bed, but threw the towel in the laundry.
The next morning I retrieved them and checked, but they hadn't even dried a bit. There was still a big wet pee circle clearly visible on the front. I stashed them under the bed again and went to school. When I got home, I went to my room, and went to check them again, but they were gone. Panicking a bit, I checked the laundry room, but no luck. I eventually found them washed and hanging on the line. Mum must've seen them under my bed and washed them.
I didn't know what to do or say, so I did nothing. She never mentioned finding my obviously wet pants, so it was never spoken about again.
I'd love to know what she thought though.
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