Email & Link Posting


As a reminder, we don't allow members to post any email address in forum posts, profile messages, etc on ADISC.
  • Bots constantly look at all public webpages, trying to find email addresses to harvest so they can be spammed. As such, posting an email anywhere public on the internet is an invitation for that address to get junk email. To prevent members from accidentally exposing their email in a way that gets them spammed, we prohibit the public posting of email addresses. The rule protects your privacy and keeps spam out of your inbox.
  • Scammers and other bad actors will often try to take conversations off-site immediately. As such, any new member saying "email me" is suspicious from a moderation point of view.

To enforce this, as of today we'll be requiring moderator approval for any post, profile comment, etc which contains either an email address or a link, and is posted by a newer member.
In the event of false positives (messages detected as containing one when they don't) we'll just approve the message and it'll appear, though probably delayed a couple of days. The filters are pretty narrow though, so I hope there won't be many false positives.
In the event someone is really trying to post their email, we typically won't approve the message. Instead we'll contact the poster and let them know we don't allow the public posting of email addresses here. If they want to contact an ADISC member privately they need to use the "conversation" option, which requires that they earn EC status here first.
In the event someone is really trying to post a link, we may or may not approve the message, depending on where the link goes. Basically, spam links, ads etc won't be approved but legitimate links will be.
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