Easy solutions for using AB items in public

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  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
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  5. Other
I recently realized that concealing baby items often isn't that hard. Here's a couple of potentially useful ideas I've had.

  • Depending on the type, sippy cups can look an awful lot like regular sports bottles. Anything with a nipple is still a giveaway, and hard spouts will probably still get some weird looks, but if you have one with a soft spout (which is basically a straw) and the design isn't particularly loud or blatantly infantile, you can definitely get by using it in public.
  • If you're around strangers or in a busy public place, especially one with travelers, such as a train station or airport, you can use a pacifier and cover it with a surgical mask.
Any other handy tips you've come up with, feedback, or opinions would be appreciated.
Put items on your key chain. I saw a young mother once with a small squeaky toy on hers. It was for her baby but I suppose you could say it was for your baby when it is actually for yourself.
Since winter will be coming, you can put all sorts of things in your pockets. You could pin a diaper pin somewhere on your clothing. I wear Baby Pants training pants for my underwear, so I'm always wearing something baby/toddlerish and no one is aware.
Make sure your mittens have a yarn string running through your coat.

Winter is coming...
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