mental regression

  1. Stefie

    I would like to know how tell what age you like to go to

    I wonder how does a person know what mental age they regress to intentionally, do you use your behaviour patterns that you feel like acting out instictively as an indicator, or do you decide by what age you want to be acting out on. I mostly think I run on my instinct or feelings. I feel closure...
  2. Stefie

    Is it normal to want to just watch your environment and don't want to speak when your suckling on your pacifier.

    I have a strong desire to watch my enviroment and not move once I suckle my pacifier and not talk, I don't mind watching baby shows but I struggle to want to do anything other than watching, I also struggle to do things faster since for some reason I need to think to do it if I want to smash my...
  3. M

    mental regression tendencies

    I choosed my name mentallybaby intentionally, cause Iam totally obsessed into regression, espacially mental regression. In my fantasies I fantasyze about becoming a real adult Baby permanently, leaving me with my adult body but the mind of an infant. Maybe I idealize the mental capacity of a...