
  1. A

    That's me, a 42-year-old diaper sissy

    Hallo, mein Name ist Christian, ich bin 42 Jahre alt und trage seit meiner Kindheit sehr, sehr dicke Windeln. Aber im Laufe der Jahre bin ich auch zu einem erwachsenen Baby herangewachsen. Ich bin Single, bisexuell und solche Menschen mit den gleichen Vorlieben. Einfach...
  2. G

    Crinkliest Diaper and Reccomendations

    What do you guys think the crinkliest diapers are? Would you be able to give me recommendations on what to buy here in the UK? I've only tried goodnites, bambino classicos and the American CVS brand diapers. Oddly enough, I think the goodnites are the crinkliest ones I've tried. Diapers that...
  3. H

    Renaissance man. Real sweet boy. A Tortured life. A New Hope.

    The title of this thread reads like the promo to a new film, wherein Westley becomes a Jedi. Were you to meet me.... it may play out like this: "Upon entering the cavernous hall, you are aware of approaching footsteps. A large human male enters from the opposite side of the room. His...
  4. inconsurferdude

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Diaper

    So I've been dealing with incontinence for quite some time (much more on that here: first by wearing pads and later pull-ups. After some encouragement from the incontinence forum, I decided to...