How big is your bladder?

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Viper Loader= Diaper Lover
Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
Anyone else ever measured their output? I find 16oz typical but could go 20+ oz if I had to go real bad!
haven't measured but my bladder isn't that large it seems
Mine is huge, I can hold a lot for a long time but made it so I can pee quite easily no matter what I'm doing
I don't know, I'd say msybe the size of an average sized grapefruit?
I'm somewhere between 16 & 20 oz.
I held to the point of bursting once in order to measure it. I can't remember exactly what I got, but I think it was a little over 700 mL.
The size of Jupiter! <O.O7
Cereal said:
The size of a pea! <O.O7

Fixed it for you totaly cool Cereal!

On that note, never really measured mine. But it must be huge if during the night I can fill a double stuffed 24/7 and still leak <//o//7
My bladder capacity is not that great.
Probably around 12 ounces.
I guess 16oz is normal for me. I can do around 30oz if I feel like I'm going to wet myself at any moment, though.
got to the 7 oz mark and i had a spasum and pee went around the cath soo that probably the limit
Don't think it's that great. I've measured output before, 4oz feel like going, 8 oz want to pee, 12 oz have to pee, 16 oz a wet diaper.
I've never measured before... but I assume my bladder is huge. It really depends... sometimes I can hold for over 5 hours. If I drink like 160oz, that can usually sit for 30-120 minutes.
I've measured about 30-32 oz a couple of times when I've really needed to go.

Once after surgery I had to be catheterized and peed almost 2 liters. The was one of the biggest reliefs of my life.
Bladder size doesn't always correlate with urgency either. I did a bit of brief reading on this awhile ago, and as best i can recall, the average "first warning" is at 150mL, and capacity can vary greatly, from 300 up to nearly 1000mL, which seems like an incredible amount. Even if your bladder can technically hold 700mL, you may "get desperate" by 500, or less even. Several have posted here in the past about surgery problems that damaged their bladder's "stretch sensors", causing them to get a desperate urge with only a very little amount present. (150mL etc) So, ymmv.

On the other hand, someone I knew had a problem with his prostate swelling and restricting his flow, and by the time he went to the ER (in agony) and they cath'd him, they had set up a bag for measuring output and he put 2.5L (yes really) into several bags over the course of the next 12 hrs. (they periodically closed the valve for awhile so his bladder could relax gradually) Hard to say how much of that was capacity and how much was his kidneys getting back to work after the pressure went down. Either way, high backpressure on the kidneys can cause permanent damage to them, which is why you'll get advice "not to hold it too long".
I have never measured, but the generic Assurance/Certainty diapers can hold just about anything I can put out in a single wetting, so there is that.

If I have to, I can hold back the urge for several hours before it becomes a problem, but when I have access to a toilet or diapered, the urge hits frequently with not a lot of volume. (May justify getting tested one day.)
Don't know size but urologist confirmed i have a small capacity
The last time I measured, I estimated that it was 16 oz. I held in 13 oz, and at the time I went, it felt urgent, but not at the maximum capacity. So I added a few ounces.
I start to feel the urge around 400 mL, the most I've held though has been about 900 mL. I was ready to burst at that point!
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