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Greetings from the OC

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to drop in and say hello from California. I've been a diaper lover pretty much all of my life. I used to wrestle with this for a long time but have come to fully accept it as a part of who I am. I'm lucky enough to have a wife that is ok with my diaper and even wears for me. It's kinda funny I think she likes it.

As for my non diaper related hobbies they include scuba diving, video games, hiking, and travel.
cateddybear said:
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to drop in and say hello from California. I've been a diaper lover pretty much all of my life. I used to wrestle with this for a long time but have come to fully accept it as a part of who I am. I'm lucky enough to have a wife that is ok with my diaper and even wears for me. It's kinda funny I think she likes it.

As for my non diaper related hobbies they include scuba diving, video games, hiking, and travel.

Hey, welcome to ADISC, it's nice to meet you!!

I think accepting that this is a part of you is such a big step, so well done you! It's really healthy to be 'ok' with who you are as a person, so to fully accept yourself is great - and an accepting partner to boot! You've got it all figured out! :p

I went scube diving once, but I was terrible at it. I was fine taking the regulator out of my mouth, and fine taking my goggles off and putting them back on, but as soon as the instructor had us do both at the same time I panicked!! Not for me I'm afraid! What video games do you play?
I've mainly played MMO's like Everquest, WoW, and Wildstar but I will play anything that catches my eye. It's cool you gave Scuba a shot most people won't even do that... I've always been comfortable underwater so scuba was the next step for me, the only time I was ever nervous diving was when a 14ft hammerhead got a little too close lol.
It is important to accept ones self and that good news about your wife.
That is sweet
I am glad it worked out.

From me to you welcome to ADISC, it's nice to meet you.

Q. Did you diving instructor tell you a myth about kissing a cucumber slug gives you 7 yrs of good luck?
It is funny as when he said that someone french kissed it to get 49 yrs.
Nope lol but there was a bit of language barrier I got my cert in French Polynesia so it was a little interesting lol.
Hello! You live where I work! I hope I don't see you while I'm working though, that'd be bad for you, due to the nature of my work. Wow that sounds cryptic and ominous. I work 9-1-1. That might put things in perspective.
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