Helping Dan Bull

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Always willing to give help to those who seek it.
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  1. Carer
Hello all.

I come to you hoping that someone will be able to help find a solution to a problem. Dan Bull is an English YouTuber known for his gaming raps and recently appeared on Epic Rap Battles of History. Two years ago he contracted an ear infection that has grown to a big problem causing loud cracking in both his ears and his jaw. He has described it as fireworks going off in his ear hundreds possibly thousands of times a day. Below his is latest video about the issue along with a list of symptoms. Dan is an amazing talent and a great friend; I've interviewed him for my podcast.


1. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
2. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
3. Hyperacusis / Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome
So what are you asking? No one here can help him, if he's as bad as he says he needs to see a doctor and not be asking for advice on youtube
FauxPas said:
So what are you asking? No one here can help him, if he's as bad as he says he needs to see a doctor and not be asking for advice on youtube

He has seen several specialist about this and none have been able to help. I posted it on here in hopes someone may have an idea on how to help.
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