SIDF: Sleep In Diapers Friday

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I'm in to
Just noticed it was SIDF, totally by accident! In a Tena Maxi right now... I'll probably just take it to bed tonight while snuggled up with my lady and fan. It's hot out here!
I forgot it's SIDF too until I crawled into bed and realized I was still wearing a diaper. So I ended up doing it on accident ^^! Woke up feeling really relaxed and comfortable with my lion Tye still under my arm! Feels great to wake up like this!
Even though it's hot, I participated anyway. The call of the diaper is powerful.
Just woke up in a very wet diaper :D. Forgot it was SIDF.....
I participated this month, but I didn't last month because I didn't feel like it.
I participated - I wore a Tena under my shorts and wasn't as over heated as I feared I'd be. I also had a dream (I don't often) in which I was wearing my diapers (even less often do I dream of wearing diapers.) It was reasonably normal (for a dream) I was in a museum wearing my pyjamas and diapers quite visibly - no one seemed to take any notice...
Done with the padding requirement yesterday night (Friday night) with a Molicare Super Plus. :)
I DID IT THAN GOT INTO A FIST FIGHT while wearing a diaper and no one noticed LOL I GUESS IT DONT COUNT
Yay! sleep in diapers Friday. I am in.
kratox said:
No offense but now that this sight is majority adults. I feel that most people can wear when they want. What I am saying is the tradition to wear on Fridays really no longer applies when the majority of the people on here can wear any night they want.

For those like me, who may not always feel the need to, we don't wear every day. There's a certain feeling you get when you're reminded--every time you look at the calendar--that you'll be sleeping in a diaper tonight. Maybe, you'll set aside a favorite set of movies to watch every Friday, or even set it as a day to hang out with other diapered friends.

I for one, am all for it! Maybe I'll even finish getting the supplies together and make the fleece diaper I've been meaning to...that would be quite the reward for going through with it.
I'm in mine! Been in mine all day long! :D
Got a new diaper cover! Gonna have to try it out :)
Diapers check

Friday check

Pacifier check
It's Friday!

Diapers Check!

Baby time ready!
Yay! I'm in :)
You can count me in too!
Cushies, check.
Paci, check.
Good movie, check.
Booze, double check!
On this night, when the moon is bright,
I find the wearing need will take seed.

Yep, I'm not much good at writing things,
but sleep-in-diapers Friday is a great "little" thing.

I haven't written a poem about nature or love or trees,
but be very afraid, because I'm definitely wearing my nappies :p
I'm all diapered up for the night :)
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