What you want for christmas

Me and Sis wrote our letter to Santa together last night ^_^ She wants a specific doll, I want a RC helicopter.

Hopefully Santa gets our letter in time!
My Christmas wish is to wake up my boy on that day and watch him open his presents. I adore him way too much :)
My adult side is getting an air fryer, my little side is getting some puzzles, a care bear cousins tv tray and a new pound puppy blanket that I know of. Hubby has a bunch of stuff I don't know about as well. Can't wait till christmas morning!
I want all my family to come to my house for super.
I want santa to get me diapers as im running low, maybe also a new dolly and a mommy to look after me and for we ABs to be able to go out in strollers without funny looks just "your baby is a cutie"
i would like to start over at about two yo, with all the knowlege and insight that i have acumulated over the years.

that isnt tooooo much to ask for. is it?
New rulebook for DnD fifth edition and a new deck of cards.

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a new car and a work semi that don't keep breaking down