Little Routines Recommendation


Est. Contributor
I'm planing on incorporating a bubble bath time and using baby products in my hair. I've also been trying to take naps but its honestly I get distracted. My bed time is the same. Whats a way to ease into it. Quite time sounds like a good idea no computer no work, etc. But what would you do in quite time drawing is one thing but I need more suggestions. Thank you. Hope I get good responses.
I use my paci, and cuddle my plushies.
I recommend using baby powder on your bed, body, dip etc to activate your senses. When I smell baby things it always makes me regress faster.

Then with activities; there are youtubers who are caregivers that read stories to you. So you could listen to those while having paci or a nice warm or cold drink of your preference in a cute baba or sippy. Or watch some cartoons or Disney shows while doing that. Have your plushies around. Also if you have little friends you can VC or video and have play dates where you can show each other your plushies and babytalk. Other things would be coloring, going to the park, or even just going in your yard and play with the grass, sticker books, activity books, singing, crafts, playing dress up and taking cute pics in them, playing baby games (I have some on my phone), little snacks like applesauce etc. I highly recommend you to watch Littles who post on YouTube. They have lots more ideas too.

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I used to play with my "little green army men", something I did as a grade school kid. You also could play with Legos or bigger blocks. As a little kid, I'd make buildings and streets with blocks and then pretend to drive my little metal cars around the town I had constructed.