me & mom

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
some of us or alot of us who became interested in diapers at an early age, had an interesting relationship with our mothers. in my case i wanted her to put me back in diapers. i actually thought it was what she wanted. my only proof of this was when she talked about what a good baby i was. i alwas felt that under the proper circumstances she would make my dreams come true. finally i decided to take matters into my own hands. i wet my pants & told her i had an accident & that i might have to start wearing diapers. when i got no response from her i took that as an ok. i put diapers on that night & wet them. when she came in the next morning to wake me i told her what i had done. she left my room in silence. next thing i knew my father came in & gave me a good talking to. i felt betrayed. if i needed to talk to some one after that it wasn't her. it really affected my relationship. i really wish i could have sat down & talked to her. not hey mom i want u to change my diapers, more like mom i have some thing i really want to talk about. she's gone now so i'll never get the opertunity. just thought i'd put that out there & c if any one had any thoughts
I'm sorry you've got that unresolved thing in your relationship. Kids interpret the world through an odd lens sometimes and looking back at it now, you can probably see ambiguity that you couldn't discern as a child. A good parent can miss what has gone before with the understanding that growth is inevitable and positive. She probably never consciously thought of wanting you back in diapers or as a baby despite giving you signals that you, as a young ABDL, couldn't see any other way. Families are tough sometimes.

My mom talks more about my childhood than my dad. I can tell she misses parts of that but it's not that she wants me as a baby. It's just a complex set of feelings.
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