Weird desire to become a baby mentally

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  1. Adult Baby
Iam an infantillist since I can think. I remember being jealous of babies,
total carefree and free of responsabilities. When I was a kid I always played the baby when did roleplay with my friends. I remember that I was even jealous of mentally handicaped people. I mean total handicaped, the ones with an intellect similar an infant. When I came into puberty I developed fantasies of losing my iq to an infantile level. It became my main fantasy now.

I know it is total weird. Sometimes I think I'm alone with this desire.
I was searching for people with a same interest, but can't find anyone.

Even in this forum I just read of people who wish temporary regression or physicaly regression only, thinking of mental regression would be horrible for them.

Iam kinda sad that my fantasies will never become true. It would be so nice if there would be a possability to alter a mind to that of an infant.
Ignorance is bliss.
If I would have the mind of an infant, it would free me of all my anxieties and shame. I never told anyone of my desires and I feel total ashamed of it.

Is there anyone like me having such desires or am I alone?

To my person: Iam not mentally ill and I have a normal adult life.

Excuse me if I may offend somebody.
You're not alone a bit; I have the same desire as well, and hope to actually make it happen someday lol.

I'm curious....when not actively regressing, are you highly intelligent in your day to day life?
I think Iam highly intelligent in some aspects, I have many interessts especially philosophies and other not common topics.
Also am very empathic and I think I have a high emotional intelligence.
Living alone in my ivory tower :)

Good to know that I'm not alone :D
Can you take a day off and just devote it to diapers, baby clothes and regressing? I sometimes do that. There are times I use it as an escape mechanism from stress and anxiety.
You are not alone

Many of us have the same fantasies and desires, however, I fantasize about being a real baby, as opposed to an adult with an infant mind. In my opinion, to be a baby again would be bliss: but to be a "mentally challenged adult" would be terrifying. What do I mean?

Well, my mom had an in-home daycare when I was growing up, and babies in diapers got the best love and care at our house. I watched them all the time, and I wanted to regress and become a baby myself.

However, many years later I took a job in a nursing home that was full of adults with the minds of infants. They did not have a happy life. Unlike being a real baby, these mentally challenged adults in diapers did not have loving diaper changes. The staff and nurses never "cooed" and smiled at them, like someone who is caring for and changing a real baby. I once heard the staff talking in the break room, and I can tell you that they did NOT like their jobs, which included feeding and diapering adults like babies.

So yes, I would LOVE to be a baby again, a real baby in diapers. But as a 200 pound adult, I want to keep my mental faculties with me until I expire. That's just my take on it.
I feel the same way. I always wanted to be mentally challenged and have a baby iq while being an adult. I know it is shameful too, but i always liked how in school they got so much attention and the ones i seen where treated and talked to like babies.
I wish that I could physically be a toddler/preschool child again, being mentally younger is not always what it is cracked up to be. While I have an average IQ, my socioemotional development is much younger, I have a socioemotional age of an child about 8 years old, and that has caused me a lot of problems. For example, I used to attend a large megachurch in DFW. I was very involved in this church, on Mondays I would go to their singles Bible study, on Tuesdays I would volunteer in the library and go to the career networking event that the church had each week, on Wednesdays during the school year I would volunteer in their children's ministry program, and on Wednesday's during the summer or school breaks I would alternate between their men's bible study and the bible study that is open to everyone. On Thursday's I would volunteer in their Upward Sports basketball program for Kinder-6th graders. However, since this was such a large church, it was impossible for everyone to know everything a member was invovled in. One day I received a call from the children's ministry director, and they said that I was no longer welcome to help in the children's programs at the church. I was told this was necessary, because there were concens that I was only involved in activities involving children, the director had no idea of my involvement in the mens or singles bible study. Even after I explained that I wasn't only involved in children's activities and told the director the activities I attended each week, I was told that we still needed to part ways. Even though I was attending activities where there were people my age or old enough to be my great-grandparents, I always felt out of place in those activities. While I understood the content material being discussed, I struggled with the social interaction and communicating my thoughts.

You are not alone in how you feel, I wish that my IQ was just slightly lower, because right now I am not taken seriously when I tell them I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. If my IQ was in the 70-85 range, I think people would take me seriously and it would be easier to qualify for things like SSI. Right now people consider me too high-functioning, and even my employer's don't want to fully believe my diagnosis even though they receive the reports directly from my doctors.
There's quite a few hypnosis files you can find online for mental regression.. Its helped me get closer to the mindset of a infant - but I'm easily snapped out within a few minutes. Sadly there's always a part of my consciousness that needs to stay in control "just in case".
A bit of a tangent, but I think it would be completely mind blowing to go back to being and newborn and the first few years, Not knowing anything, but having that adult capacity to comprehend things. I think it would be amazing to experience everything for the first time and be able to comprehend that.
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