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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
When in a public setting, or space, I can't help but be paranoid about being found out. The smaller the community the harder it is. I mean I used to live in a metro, but would drive 30 minutes away to get my supplies, because I couldn't chance anyone I knew finding out.

This paranoia is lessened now with a, "not bothered," attitude, but even when I will never step foot in a given town ever again, I find my self going to great lengths to dispose of my diapers as inconspicuously as possible most of the time gas stations, or rest areas on the highway.

Anybody else relate?
I don't think I ever went to quite those extremes but I once made an effort to go to stores I wouldn't be likely to see anyone I knew. I'm a lot less concerned these days and of course there's hardly anything worth buying in stores anyway. Disposal is not that big a deal to me. I may wrap it first but trash is trash.
I used to be like that at first too. Eventually I realised diapers are neither illegal nor immoral. It's just trash, but by being so paranoid with buying and disposing them you only feed that paranoia.
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