Bethesda threatened guy reselling a video game

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  1. Diaper Lover

So basically a guy had purchased The Evil Within 2 for PS4; with the expectation that he was gonna buy a PS4, but instead he spent the money upgrading a Gaming PC, so he put the unopened game for sale on Amazons Marketplace as new.

Bethesda threatened him into taking it down because he isn't an "Authorized Reseller" and said selling the game as new is a "Deceptive Practice".

I understand they hate people buying used games (though in this instance the game wasnt used and Bethesda made their money) because in their perfect world nobody would buy used games, always brand new for $60 + tax.

But let's face it the used game market is a huge industry and it will likely stay alive for a long time, the only thing that could EVENTUALLY stop resale of used games is if there were no longer Physical Copies, something I would prefer never happens, though I accept that it probably will some day.

But I mean let's face it, most of us probably dont have $60 + tax per game most of the time, I like the feeling of buying brand new games on day 1, but I only buy games on day 1 or right after if I expect it to be an amazing game and I like to keep it as a rare treat rather than a common thing; not to mention then I would be spending probably on average 3x what I already do on games and I simply couldn't afford to do that.
yep, this is pretty ridiculous. companies seem to love to harass people, even over what is relatively a small amount of money when compared to their profits :eek!:
ShippoFox said:
yep, this is pretty ridiculous. companies seem to love to harass people, even over what is relatively a small amount of money when compared to their profits :eek!:

Yeah, they have no right to harass people that bought (a physical copy of) the game and choose to sell it later down the line; you paid them for the game already, after that you can do as you please with your physical copy.
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