Then and now

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I am wondering did you receive enemas as a actual child and get them now as an AB. Or did you get them as an actual child not now as an AB? Or not as an actual child but now as an AB?
Neither. To the best of my memory, I never have had an enema when I was a child and I know that I haven't as an adult.

The idea of an enema just doesn't do anything for me.
Never. I was very very sick once and they gave my mother suppositories for me. When she tried to give me one, I -freaked-. She told the doctor if he was so insistent that I have them, he could come and wrestle me. XD (I only vaguely remember this, so I'm thinking I must have only been around five or six.)

I can't imagine what would have happened if they'd come at me with an enema. I probably would have clawed a hole in the wall and escaped into the wild.
Being older than most here I can relate to the 1950s. Based on my experiences, those of cousins and most my neighborhood friends, moms believed being regular was IMPORTANT. Occasionally the treatment was a suppository. But more often it was the big red douche bag and what seemed like a gallon of soapy water. And we got those fairly regularly, I would say at least one a month.
And then we find out later on that 'regular' means totally different things with different people's bodies. XD One kid might poo once a day, one might go twice and one might go every other day. And it's not a problem unless it causes a problem.
I'm of the same era and my mom would give me enemas way too many times. I hated them at the time. There was much crying..sigh.
In the 1950s and before they thought every day was the goal. There wasn't much allowance for every one is different. The old theory was that toxins would build up in your colon and they needed to be expelled daily. So they were trying to assure that your body stayed healthy.
I had glycerin suppositories as a child from time to time, as punishment for pooping my pants. All that happened was more poopy pants!
I did not like having making poop medicine shoved up my poo-poo hole as a child.
Yes, I can recall my mother giving me enemas when I was a small child for constipation. I'm not sure how many I received; I'm going to hazard a guess and say this was the method my mother preferred until I got a little older (probably around six or seven) and let me have laxatives instead.
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In the 1950s the enema process wasn't always very nice. A neighbor friend often related to me about how it went for her. When her mother tried to get her for an enema she would run. Eventually she got caught. Going past the kitchen toward the bathroom her mother would pick up the strap she kept there. She was stripped and draped over the rim of the big cast iron tub. Her mother held her down and burned up her bottom. This was followed by the enema anyway. My friend was very stubborn in general and didn't seem to learn not to resist. I don't remember but I probably tried it once and my mother's paddle convinced me not to be so foolish. I never liked it and probably cried and begged but to resist was just good for additional pain.
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