A Travesty with Diapers from Target

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Wow, hate knows no boundaries...
What an odd thing. Who thinks "Boxes of shipped diapers would be the perfect medium to advertise white separation/supremacy?" I can't get as worked up about the card itself. It's easy to find those sites if you want them and the message is bland as those things go. Target seems to think it located the perpetrator and removed them, so one would hope this is managed.

I wonder if those cards turned up in any other boxes or was it all just diapers? It illustrates that for certain kinds of shipments, it's probably not that hard to slip something in along the way. In that respect, it might even be a helpful wake-up call for a company or companies to tighten up their process.
that message isnt racist. the websites probably are i did not check them out. but im betting its to combat the "white guilt" thing. i mean if its okay to be native, or asian, or jewish, or anything else why isnt it ok to be white? i am white i dont hurt people. and yes i am proud of my irish and french heritage does that make me racist? NO
Yes it is ok to be white. Its also ok to be pink with purple polka dots. However, it is not ever even acceptable much less ok to be racist. I have absolutely no use for racism or racist people
redbullfiend said:
that message isnt racist. the websites probably are i did not check them out. but im betting its to combat the "white guilt" thing. i mean if its okay to be native, or asian, or jewish, or anything else why isnt it ok to be white? i am white i dont hurt people. and yes i am proud of my irish and french heritage does that make me racist? NO

The message itself isn't racist, it's unnecessary. The links on the back make the intent clear and that's not innocent. It's not to soothe white guilt, if that's even a substantial thing, it's to promote separation and supremacy for one group.

Statistically, it's not just okay to be white, it is, overall the most advantageous thing one could be in the US. I hope we'll get to the point where there's no particular advantage conveyed by something as trivial as skin color.
You know, while I agree that this was not the time or place for someone to put this little card. And the hate sites linked on the back are just wrong. The message itself "It's okay to be white." I'm really tired of being told I have to give people special treatment because I'm white. Last time I checked, and this is just me, I have never used race as a reason to discriminate against someone. I've never used it as a tool to say "No you can't because you're ______" And I'm a little bit tired of the "White guilt" thing. If I have so much white privilege, how come I can't get a job? I'm poor living at home with my parents and I never got to go to college? Why do I have to be hungry and have furniture from 1970 that smells and is shitty in a house that's probably got mold all over the place with a hole in the bathroom floor. If this is white privilege then I'd gladly offer it to ANYONE. Because this 'white privilege' sucks. But that's just my experience.

We can all agree that the message and cards being put in the diapers was wrong. The links were hateful. The meaning behind the cards was clearly a hateful thing. But, this does open up another can of worms here. The fact that people have to put "It's okay to be white" is JUST AS BAD as people havine to say "It's okay to be black" or "It's okay to be Hispanic" or "It's okay to be Asian" so on and so forth. We shouldn't have to tell people it's okay to be themselves. I don't care what colour your skin is, what ethnicity you are or where you come from on the planet. Because your "race" is human. Not white, not black, not whatever else bullshit "Race" titles there are. Black and White are not races. We're all HUMAN. As a society we need to start acting like it. All sides, all colours, all ethnicities, we need to unite as HUMANS and make this world a better place, not push it further down the road of hate and mistrust.
You misunderstand what white privilege is. It is somewhat poorly named but it is the certain benefits we do get for being white--like not getting pulled over for driving too nice of a car for our color or the fact that white people open carrying don't automatically have a ton of cops drawing down on you like others do. There's a social experiment or two on YouTube about that.

It doesen't equate a protection from poverity spell.
AddyShadows said:
You know, while I agree that this was not the time or place for someone to put this little card. And the hate sites linked on the back are just wrong. The message itself "It's okay to be white." I'm really tired of being told I have to give people special treatment because I'm white. Last time I checked, and this is just me, I have never used race as a reason to discriminate against someone. I've never used it as a tool to say "No you can't because you're ______" And I'm a little bit tired of the "White guilt" thing. If I have so much white privilege, how come I can't get a job? I'm poor living at home with my parents and I never got to go to college? Why do I have to be hungry and have furniture from 1970 that smells and is shitty in a house that's probably got mold all over the place with a hole in the bathroom floor. If this is white privilege then I'd gladly offer it to ANYONE. Because this 'white privilege' sucks. But that's just my experience.

We can all agree that the message and cards being put in the diapers was wrong. The links were hateful. The meaning behind the cards was clearly a hateful thing. But, this does open up another can of worms here. The fact that people have to put "It's okay to be white" is JUST AS BAD as people havine to say "It's okay to be black" or "It's okay to be Hispanic" or "It's okay to be Asian" so on and so forth. We shouldn't have to tell people it's okay to be themselves. I don't care what colour your skin is, what ethnicity you are or where you come from on the planet. Because your "race" is human. Not white, not black, not whatever else bullshit "Race" titles there are. Black and White are not races. We're all HUMAN. As a society we need to start acting like it. All sides, all colours, all ethnicities, we need to unite as HUMANS and make this world a better place, not push it further down the road of hate and mistrust.

The distinction is important though. As you point out, not all white people are well off and powerful, and neither are all black people (or any other race or ethnicity) all poor and suffering. The difference is more one of assumptions. If you, despite being in less than ideal economic circumstances, put on a nice suit and show up to a job interview, nobody will question your right to be there. Nobody will insult you in the hallways or look at you askance just because you're walking around. If a black person did the same thing in many places, they would be insulted or viewed with suspicion. It's that very basic difference in how people are viewed that makes the issue uneven and is why it's important to make a distinction. Society is, for better or worse, trying to work through some of the issues of race right now, and affirming for people with minority and historically impoverished races and classes that it's okay for them to be who they are is important whereas affirming for someone that it's okay to be white is drawing attention to the wrong thing. Ditto for the black lives matter vs all lives/blue lives matter thing. Of course all lives matter, every life is precious and important. But the point is to draw attention to the black lives that, up to now, have mostly not received attention, and saying "all lives matter" in response to that is saying that the group that's been ignored doesn't ever deserve attention, which is why it comes across as racist.

Not sure I really explained that well, but I hope it's helpful.

Edit: Actually, a good and less charged example. Say somebody is talking to you about why they love, i dunno, oranges as their favorite fruit. And you're like "well yeah, but all fruit is important." That's going to be perceived as one of two ways. One, you actually dislike oranges and you're trying to be polite about it. Or two, you're just randomly changing the subject. Either way, the person who wanted to talk about oranges is gonna be like "uh, what?"
Equality feels like oppression to those who are accustomed to privilege.
The PC culture now a days is stupid! It is unwarranted. Should I say to those not on this website get a fricken life! And stop being a stupid snowflake! This is the big boy world for crying out loud! Gotta love the First Amendment in the USA. You have to take the bad with the good there is a wide variety of people in the world and in your own families good grief!
ive had guns drawn on me 4 times by cops because where i live the cops are nuts. i dont cry about it. i also dont burn my city down when it happens. i will never understand large groups of people doing that to make a point just makes ya look like a jackhole. why destroy your home for the life of me WTF?
Why didn't the person slip in cards that said, "It's alright to be a big baby?" I wonder what customers would have thought about that! Anyway, some people are just crazy. I live about 60 miles from Charlottesville, VA so I've gotten to see these nutcases at their worst. (Not big babies; white supremacists)
dogboy said:
Why didn't the person slip in cards that said, "It's alright to be a big baby?" I wonder what customers would have thought about that! [snipped]

White supremacy is one thing, diaper freaks are another entirely. Target would probably have handed out free torches and pitchforks, although they're pretty progressive. Maybe LED lights and Nerf bats.
A terrible act by disgusting people. 2018 America.

I'm willing to bet the reason they did it is that a big Nazi fear is the idea that white people have such a low birthrate comparatively speaking these days. It's just more of the fear from these guys that one day they might not be the largest percentage of the populace anymore, and that's literally all they have for their own self-worth is their skin color.
I have a dream. A dream where I can hate people based on their terrible actions, and not their skin color.
Maux said:
A terrible act by disgusting people. 2018 America.

I'm willing to bet the reason they did it is that a big Nazi fear is the idea that white people have such a low birthrate comparatively speaking these days. It's just more of the fear from these guys that one day they might not be the largest percentage of the populace anymore, and that's literally all they have for their own self-worth is their skin color.
You cannot equate being white and being a nazi sympathizer. That is like equating all blacks as being demokrats and yet there are Demokrat Republicans just look at Tim Scott from SC & Colin Powell & Condolezza Rice& Clarence Thonas & Mia Love from Utah they are black and they are republicans how can that be huh? Thing is US education is educating abstinence and safe sex therefore the birth rate is lower now because of it Furthermore who has 400,000 dollars in free cash on hand to raise a single kid from infancy to age 18 and possibly beyond in today's economy. Now if you go around the world people are having kids like jack rabbits! without regard to the strain it is having on the world we live in. Only if every family had one or two less kids the world would be better because of it! Thing is part of the trouble we are in today is over population. For instance look at Africa a family there has one in the oven, one still in infant diapers on the hip of the mother, one other barely walking and then so on and so forth in childhood development with various aged kids without regard to how they are going to feed the kids or regard to how the parents are going to care for them and educate them. The same can go for Latin American countries too. Look at the migration to the US from Mexico. This may be controversial but it has to be said. I do not sugar coat things as some here know.
xpluswearer, you are aware that if we took every one on the planet we could put them all in a space the size of texas with out overcrowding. Are you also aware that a lot of food goes to waste every day, enough to feed every one on the planet, it not a production problem it a greed problem. The population is not a problem, the problem is compassion to our fellow man, or a lack of compassion to be more correct.

The area of Texas is about 262,000 mi2. Dividing this figure by the current human population of 7 billion leaves each person with 1000- sq feet

I currently live in a 850 sq ft apartment it is plenty of room.

according to 21-centry a standard 3 bedroom house is So, if you own an average, three-bedroom house - about 1,200-1,300 square feet or 110-120 square metres (and that includes all lived in-space, even hallways) I grew up in a 3 bedroom house (1 mother 1 father, 1 sister and 1 brother, me and 5 cats) so there are 5 people there, according to the math that would be over 5k sq feet, but said ouse is only 1.3k So there would be plenty of room in texas.

Oh mind you this only considers horizontal space. once you build vertically (such as condos and apartment buildings, the dynamics change fast, such as the 850 sq I live in is the second floor, below me lives 2 people and 2 above me in the same 850 sq feet)


babyboy said:
xpluswearer, you are aware that if we took every one on the planet we could put them all in a space the size of texas with out overcrowding. Are you also aware that a lot of food goes to waste every day, enough to feed every one on the planet, it not a production problem it a greed problem. The population is not a problem, the problem is compassion to our fellow man, or a lack of compassion to be more correct.

The area of Texas is about 262,000 mi2. Dividing this figure by the current human population of 7 billion leaves each person with 1000- sq feet

I currently live in a 850 sq ft apartment it is plenty of room.

according to 21-centry a standard 3 bedroom house is So, if you own an average, three-bedroom house - about 1,200-1,300 square feet or 110-120 square metres (and that includes all lived in-space, even hallways) I grew up in a 3 bedroom house (1 mother 1 father, 1 sister and 1 brother, me and 5 cats) so there are 5 people there, according to the math that would be over 5k sq feet, but said ouse is only 1.3k So there would be plenty of room in texas.

Oh mind you this only considers horizontal space. once you build vertically (such as condos and apartment buildings, the dynamics change fast, such as the 850 sq I live in is the second floor, below me lives 2 people and 2 above me in the same 850 sq feet)


The stress on the planet from overpopulation is all ready being felt. I know my Conservative friends may whack me along side the head for this but take a look at the landfills. and look at the oceans filling up with plastics the Great Lakes also filling up with plastics and plastic beads from soaps and cleansers.
Thing is Governments like the USDA do force farmers to field destroy produce that is the law FYI! To artificially inflate prices. How do I know this In Traverse City Michigan the Government has dictated to the Apple & Cherry producers to field destroy produce to not let it go to the market ALSO in Iowa and Kansas the Corn & Wheat is also destroyed too or especially corn sold to fuel your Prius tree hugging cars! Yet you have people going hungry how can that be huh? I really do not see a greed issue A farmer I would suspect would rather feed people than let the produce go to waste you have to place blame on the lawmakers & policymakers.
However People MUST do their part too by buying what they need not buy in excess, I cannot tell you how many packages of fruit & veggies I have had to toss out of my parents fridge and moldy partial loaves of bread. yet they whine about not having money at the end of the month gee wonder why huh? Grocers have to do a better job at acceptance of produce in the receiving area if its on verge of spoiling reject the load! send it back! and stop spraying the produce with water too especially ones in plastic bags such as iceberg lettuce & bagged carrots. And stop putting the potatoes in the cold section of the trailer as when they are placed on the shelf inside the bags are sopping wet from sweat!
Thing is Grade & High school kids now think its a thrill to have unprotected sex just to have a baby without regard to the consequences on them or the child they just brought into the world thanks to glorification from hollywood movies & sit- comedies to saddle the taxpayers with public assistance to raise the kid in the US they are placed on WIC and get EBT too. In my eyes I give a rip on society factors such as oh its just normal to have large families. again look at the strain on your house especially if you have a non municipal sewer system that septic tank needs to be emptied every year instead of every two to three years or more if you have a large family. Look at your electric bill when you have your big family its high enough to choke a giraffe! Same for Nat Gas bill too. the choices you make affect us all too FYI.
redbullfiend said:
ive had guns drawn on me 4 times by cops because where i live the cops are nuts. i dont cry about it. i also dont burn my city down when it happens. i will never understand large groups of people doing that to make a point just makes ya look like a jackhole. why destroy your home for the life of me WTF?
As far as riots go, they are a part of the human condition. When people are happy or enraged, they riots. Google London riots. The Brits love a good riots if fascists are involved.

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