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My diaper budget really isn't that much comparatively speaking. Like others have said other hobbies cost substantially more money. Hell my drinking habit cost me ten times what my diapers do.
rsem9 said:
How do you sustain the income to buy diapers and the stuff while having food to eat, stuff to drink and internet for entertainment and communication?
Actually, this is kind of a self-balancing cycle. The less you eat and drink the fewer diapers you need. The money you then save on diapers can be used on more food and beverages, resulting in the need for more diapers, resulting in less food money, and on and on. :smile1:
It's never a good idea to limit your water intake. Plus, your pee will be more concentrated and will smell worse. It's best to just drink that water.

And being diapered 24/7 means you just have to reprioritize your budget. Diapers for me are more important than even my car payment or utility bills. It isn't a question of if I can afford diapers, it's if I can afford to go eat out or go to the movies.

It does help to make sure you don't overspend on using "cheap" diapers too. As long as you stay under $5.00 per day, you're doing good. For me, that means buying Betterdry for about 1.50 each, and changing only 2-3 times per day. This is where staying hydrated helps so I don't end up stinking or getting rashes.
It's just a part of my budget. I'm unfortunately no longer on my parents' insurance for that brief period where they had it and the ACA kept me on it. So for the past couple of years I've taken out enough from my student loan refund for enough diapers to make it to the next refund, and I've basically been living off of that. Hoping that when I graduate and get a decent job that it'll come with healthcare.

But, honestly, compared to some of the friends I have that are smokers it's still a cheaper budget than they have to set aside, and mine is actually a necessity. It's all about perspective.
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