New Years Eve in time square tv coverage

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Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
I'm at home watching the coverage of the NYC times square party.. the reported just asked about the bathroom, the 3 people that were being interviewed clear as day with no hesitation on live tv said they were wearing diapers.
I'm like holy moly !!! awesome!!!
That is awesome! Seems like a really good time to wear, a lot of fun and also really convineint haha.
Can you tell if they are wearing diapers under all those clothes on? I tried to look on TV but can't. Tell. I feel sorry to those that didn't bring diapers and have to hold it or.
It is common to use diapers at events.
Yeah, who wants to Ms the event because. You have to pee way too much.
I was there at Times Square for the 2013->2014 new year... it was cold and crowded, and, yep, no access to bathrooms whatsoever. Did spot a couple of cheap pull-up style diapers being handed out among some groups, but nothing super obvious.

My mother in law, who is a hospice care nurse’s assistant, gave my wife and I a couple of really terrible pull ups, but my wife is very much NOT in to the whole diaper thing, so we didn’t even bring them with ([emoji853]). I wanted to try and make it a reason to wear, but... we just didn’t drink any liquids and held it....for 14 hours....

For those wondering, no, it wasn’t really worth it. We got there at like 11 AM but didn’t even get in to the “confetti zone”.

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There is NO WAY IN HELL I would even THINK about attending such an event WITHOUT a super-high-quality diaper. That's like one of my worst nightmares right there. Frankly I find it amazing that not only are people expected to forgo bathroom excess for that long, so many actually do.

Although even with a diaper, what about... pooping? You can't possibly just do it in your diaper and let people smell you for hours...?
I'd be more concerned about being stuck in a crowd for all that time than not having a diaper.
pampers4U said:
I'm at home watching the coverage of the NYC times square party.. the reported just asked about the bathroom, the 3 people that were being interviewed clear as day with no hesitation on live tv said they were wearing diapers.

Keep in mind that was not a random sampling you saw. The newscaster wanted to make a point and so gathered people together that were (or said they were) wearing diapers for that spot.

(most newscaster are like lawyers, they don't ask questions that they don't already know the answer to... they're not trying to get information, they're trying to get testimony)
Not sure how I feel about this.

On one hand sure it normalises diaper use to a degree which is great but it still has the stigma of shock value.

At events (and I think I can understand this is a massive event) the organisers be it private or govt should still be offering toileting facilities not just for those that need to go but diapers can need changing.
Argent said:
Not sure how I feel about this.

At events (and I think I can understand this is a massive event) the organisers be it private or govt should still be offering toileting facilities not just for those that need to go but diapers can need changing.

How do you propose organizers provide these toilets for 100,000+ people in the middle of a major urban setting?
My in laws wee over and we were all watching when this came on and everybody was like "eww, gross! I would never do that. I would rather not go to Times Square at all." It was a little awkward for me, especially because my wife was sitting next to me knowing that I like wearing diapers. To keep the farce up, I said "yeah, I would rather watch it from the comfort and warmth of my own house." My wife didn't say a word.
BabyCorry said:
How do you propose organizers provide these toilets for 100,000+ people in the middle of a major urban setting?

I propose they plan for it. It is an urban setting after all, it has infrastructure, raises taxes/charges fees for stalls/sells tickets and I presume laws against people urinating in the street so if they want all that I think they should provide the facilities.
Argent said:
Not sure how I feel about this.

On one hand sure it normalises diaper use to a degree which is great but it still has the stigma of shock value.

At events (and I think I can understand this is a massive event) the organisers be it private or govt should still be offering toileting facilities not just for those that need to go but diapers can need changing.
I agree totally. Seems that there should be some sort of A D A law in place that prevents the NYPD practice of pens and no bathroom access. Wonders how that NYPD Commissioner and the NYC Mayor & DHS director would feel if they were strapped into one of those Rikers Island restraint chairs for upwards of 20 hours right after having morning coffee and donuts huh? Saying oh you are not going to be released until I feel like releasing you. Bet they would install public bathrooms in Times Square in a New York Second!
Wonders if this practice has been challenged in federal court under A D A Laws I would like to see the outcome. Let alone NY State courts oh the NY Atty General Mr Sue Pants I am shocked that he has not come forward on behalf of New York State on this. For that matter NY State legislature to forbid mass pens of people and to allow in-sies and out-sies for these events and forbid anyone in the state borders from preventing access to a toilet and hand washing sinks with soap and paper towels. Also laws preventing vandalism and destruction of a bathroom in the state. making it a felony of the highest class punishable by 25 years state prison and 1 million in fines.
PaddedInPuyallup said:
My in laws wee over....

Sorry buddy I got the concept and agree with the awkward spot you were in but your typo was too golden not to mention!
Argent said:
Sorry buddy I got the concept and agree with the awkward spot you were in but your typo was too golden not to mention!

As cold as it was, there must have been a lot of frozen peed in diapers. Somehow, that doesn't sound pleasant at all! I hate large crowds so I would never attend something like that. I didn't even watch the event on TV, but I was diapered once I got home from my son's get together.
dogboy said:
As cold as it was, there must have been a lot of frozen peed in diapers. Somehow, that doesn't sound pleasant at all! I hate large crowds so I would never attend something like that. I didn't even watch the event on TV, but I was diapered once I got home from my son's get together.

I've found wet diapers don't really feel all that cold in the winter. They seem to stick right around body temperature for me. Unless there's a little sideways breeze that manages to circulate through my diaper, those are chilly because of the wet skin.

That, and dry (or wet) padding is always soooo much nicer to have on when you have to sit on the cold ground or snow!! Double insulation!
Going to a Times Sqaure for the ball drop is a free, non forced event, that many more people want to be part of than can physically fit in the area. It is why people arrive so many hours before hand. With that in mind, I am of the belief that it would be nice if there were bathroom facilities, but completely understand why they are not offered. Only the die hard, strong, adventurous and dedicated soles brave the elements and make it to the end. Not having facilities may even keep the crowds down to a degree. I believe far more than you think are wearing diapers, but may never admit it. Having tax payers in NY pay for facilities so those that desire this special viewing point is wrong. Now if you want to charge those in the pen a fee to be there, then facilities should be available. Otherwise, it is everyone for themselves. You know going in, it is a long time standing and not comfortable. That is part of the allure and challange of making it to the end (a marothon of sorts). But the memories will last a lifetime if you ever do make it.
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