No interest in wearing after I....Release.

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That believe that feeling is directly tied to our level of acceptance for diapers. When we are still struggling with this, and we use diapers to reach a climax, we feel relieved and contenet in that moment. Afterwards, those thoughts on non-acceptance creep back in and we feel remorse and regret for having felt so good while engaging in something we still incorrectly feel should be bad.

This can be a very powerful conflit of emotions, and is often the root cause for our classic binge purge cycle. It takes time, and a lot if positive reinforcing to break that cycle. As you've read here though, for those of us who have come to accept diapers as our normal, we don't get those feeling of regret or remose anymore. We do not binge-purge either.

Or at least, that's what I've come to realise based on my own experience and what the others here have said too. Just a theory I guess.
I realize that in the scientific sense, when my emotions start making me feel weird about this, because, yes, I still get that on occasion, that's it's just my amygdala creating those feelings. My amygdala is one of the main sources of my mental issues as it over does it with everything, making the whole world seem much more frightening than I know it to be logically. So now when I get those weird feelings and wonder if I should stop doing this, I let logic take over. I realize those are spam emotions with no basis in reality and that I'm perfectly entitled to wear diapers whenever I so choose. I also know the whole reason it feels creepy at times is because of a lifetime of social conditioning. Seriously, if I had grown up and lived my whole life around an accepting culture, it wouldn't feel any different than satisfying other harmless compulsions.

If we lived in a society that viewed eating around others as gross or impolite, you'd feel the same kind of shame. It's stupid and you have to call it stupid and live your life anyways.
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Tommycombs said:
If we lived in a society that viewed eating around others as gross or impolite, you'd feel the same kind of shame. It's stupid and you have to call it stupid and live your life anyways.

Have you ever seen someone that covers their mouth while they're chewing in public?

I know three. Never understood this...

Then we go to China and discuss food slurping.... (it's a complement to the cook, and is expected otherwise "you must not have enjoyed the meal")

It's all just a matter of perspective.
I can definitely relate. Just takes some time to adjust.
This is definitely something that some people struggle with more than others, and it's actually one of the big reasons why I decided that wearing diapers isn't for me. However as some others on here have alluded to, it's worth noting that this feeling of after-ejaculation sadness isn't exclusive to people who wear diapers and in fact this is something which has been mentioned by philosophers and physicians from a long time ago.

Lot's of people who get off on something that's anything less than strictly vanilla eroticism (and sometimes even then for more sexually-repressed people) experience this. It's the result of the sudden change in sex drive that your brain undergoes after the "mission is complete". It's well understood in science that a mammals brain chemistry undergoes changes during periods of arousal and it's been observed that arousal often reduces feelings of embarrassment and disgust. That being said, this doesn't imply that you SHOULD feel embarrassed or disgusted in yourself for your kink as it's simply a natural pattern of the brain to encourage sexual behaviour which is an essential part of our mental health.
yes this is definitely the result of dopamine release in your brain. The same holds true when after you release you feel no desire for sex for days afterward. Dopamine controls pleasure and arousal in your brain. It also helps keep you motivated and interested to do other things like exercise, get stuff done, video games, socialize etc.
there is a foible about this that goes: sex is like banking, after withdrawal, you lose interest.
ArchtopK said:
there is a foible about this that goes: sex is like banking, after withdrawal, you lose interest.

This one won an award: "Use a condom and you'll learn: no deposit, no return."
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