the weirdest thing happened

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Est. Contributor
  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Little
so i was playing rainbow six siege with my friend when suddenly the game froze in a loading screen loop so i tried to restart. but then the most weird thing happened.

first i quit the game through task manager and tried to launch it again from steam, but it didn't wanna start up. after a few tries it finally launched and after the loading screen i got an error saying that the master server can't be reached.

that's where the weird thing starts. i decided to google for a solution, but i got a "no internet connection" error. then i tried to use a steam browser. same thing. then i tried to login to every other online game that i have and got the same error every time.
as a final test i tried to use the wifi on my phone. it didn't work either. basically, nothing worked. internet was down

but here's the weird thing: this whole time i was on origin voice chat with my friend and it worked perfectly normal. we both heard each other and had no connectivity issues. nothing else on my pc or phone worked online, but the voice chat still worked. how can something like this even happen? that was the weirdest thing i've ever seen
Ghost in the computer?
That actually sounds like a internet switching error. Your provider just happened to have you on one channel for your voice chat, and the rest of your internet being funneled through another channel (which went down). A restart of your modem would have likely fixed that, but it probably got resolved buring an automatic refresh.

And any program that actively searches for an internet connection will hang if one isn't present. Eventually some programs, like steam, will start in offline mode anyways.
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