Nudity in Locker Rooms

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Maxx said:
Don't know about anyone else, but I totally get it. It's ironic, actually. Things have completely reversed in some ways. Today, all kinds of nudity and perversion is on display in the media and in public that would've landed the perpetrators in prison 50 years ago, yet in locker rooms there are curtained changing stalls and concerns about privacy that we never thought twice about back in the day.

That... wasn't exactly my sentiment. I'm not talking about how standards about what is decent in public have changed over the years. I know that to you, things like a shirt that shows a little too much of woman's cleavage or two gay men kissing in public may fall under categories of ''nudity'' and ''perversion'', while I just don't really give a shit about what people choose to do unless they're walking around stark naked, engaging in sex acts in public, etc.

And seeing a locker room is a semi-public place where being stark naked is expected... that's the part I don't get.
I guess, for me, it comes down to being lazy. It's just a lot easier to plop down my bag on a bench, step out of my clothes, and step into my swimsuit (or vice versa). I'm done in seconds. Also, being a guy, I find that toilet stalls are just about the dirtiest, least sanitary places. Lots of guys don't lift the seat, or they just let it wag and end up peeing everywhere. As a place to change, men's toilet stalls are not recommended.
KimbaWolfNagihiko said:
I think some people in the ''I don't care'' camp don't really get what I'm trying to say. If you're comfortable with nudity, well that's fine for you. But in a society where we normally wear clothes around other people, I don't see why anyone should be expected to be comfortable with it in other situations. Out in the YMCA hallway = clothes or you're a sicko. On the other side of the locker room door = being naked is fine. In my mind, it's kind of a weird double standard. If society says I am to be covered 99% of the time, what makes being naked the other 1% of the time OK?

It's my body and if I'm more comfortable with keeping my private parts private, that's my choice.

You understand that its society that is making you uncomfortable not the person naked? The same way society says you should be uncomfortable around people that still wear diapers and act like a baby or think you want to have sex with dogs just because you like furry drawings. Most of this comes from old time religious people who want you to think nudity = Sex and Sex = Bad. Just a few years ago nudity was a lot more common then it is now, but that is because of the digital age everyone is worried some one is going to be a perv and take pics of them and that makes you uncomfortable as well.

Also If you don't want to be naked then don't get naked no one is forcing you. Just get your bag and go.

KimbaWolfNagihiko said:
And seeing a locker room is a semi-public place where being stark naked is expected... that's the part I don't get.

The locker room no one cares about is because its an closed area and separated sex because again society says so too keep you from possibly doing something bad because your naked and dont want you be naked around the other sex. Everyone accepts some nudity in the locker room, your going to change out of wet or sweaty clothing. In some cases your going to get a shower so you going to have to take off your underwear to put on clean ones. You don't want your dry clothing to get wet because you took them to the showers nor leave them in the open so they stay at the locker and take a few moments to be naked from going between the two areas.

I do understand that some people may hang around longer then they need to be but that because they are comfortable with themselves and think everyone in the room has the same junk on their body so its nothing new to them. Another thing is no one wants to spend time in a tight stall to change. Not only is it more uncomfortable rather then happen to see someone's junk for a moment, as humans we like social interaction so stalls restrict that a lot.

It may come down to money as well. Gyms don't want to waste space for more stalls or more having to pay someone to clean every stall. Even in worse case pay security to make sure people are not using stalls for "other" reasons
Siddy said:
The locker room no one cares about is because its an closed area and separated sex because again society says so too keep you from possibly doing something bad because your naked and dont want you be naked around the other sex. Everyone accepts some nudity in the locker room, your going to change out of wet or sweaty clothing. In some cases your going to get a shower so you going to have to take off your underwear to put on clean ones. You don't want your dry clothing to get wet because you took them to the showers nor leave them in the open so they stay at the locker and take a few moments to be naked from going between the two areas.

I do understand that some people may hang around longer then they need to be but that because they are comfortable with themselves and think everyone in the room has the same junk on their body so its nothing new to them. Another thing is no one wants to spend time in a tight stall to change. Not only is it more uncomfortable rather then happen to see someone's junk for a moment, as humans we like social interaction so stalls restrict that a lot.

It may come down to money as well. Gyms don't want to waste space for more stalls or more having to pay someone to clean every stall. Even in worse case pay security to make sure people are not using stalls for "other" reasons

Well, the idea of sex segregation to keep people from doing ''bad'' things pretty much goes out the window when you consider homosexual, bisexual, etc. people will be in the same locker room with you. You don't have to be a religious person to have standards when it comes to sex. I'm not religious but I follow my own moral code that tells me my private areas are to be shown only to people I am comfortable with, in private. I dislike medical procedures that involve exposure of those places even to other females.

I have no issues with space when getting changed in a stall, and I'm not a small person. My mother also changes in a stall, and I believe at least two of my acquaintances at the YMCA do the same. So I know this isn't something that just I'm uncomfortable with.
I was never comfortable with this. I'd usually use a stall, rush to change clothes, or try to hide with a towel while changing.
Maybe you could take your time and re-consider your moral code. Maybe it will be beneficial to accept some occasional nudity. As I said just considering. In the end no one will force you to be nude...
I have no problems with anyone choosing to be nude, but I do have a huge problem with kids and teenagers being forced to strip naked and shower together in schools.

P.E lessons for me were absolute hell and it got to the point where I simply refused to participate, which got me into lots of trouble at school. This ultimately led to me leaving early at 15 with no qualifications, and being kicked out of home by my mother.

As a gender-dysphoric teen I had a constant compulsion to shave off all my body hair, and on the few occasions that I was forced to participate in PE this was noticed and mocked by others. I often wore underwear to school that wasn't exactly appropriate either lol, and I so usually just hid in the bathrooms and dealt with the flak afterwards.

Our PE teacher used to stand in the changing rooms with his hands in his pockets, always looking like he was playing with himself, and force everyone to strip naked and shower, and the whole environment was really toxic. The fat kids got bullied, as did the hairy kids or the ones with small genitals, and god help the unlucky ones who got an accidental erection, and were hounded mercilessly for years as a result.
Travelling widely has 'exposed' me to almost every variety of custom when it comes to nudity in changing facilities etc. Here are some instances.
1. I was a very shy, country boy when young, and did not expose myself at all when changing communally. A large towel deftly manipulated kept me suitably covered.
2. When family moved to the city, I noticed that city kids were generally uninhibited in my all-male school. Nude swimming was common, but despite the very liberal attitudes prevailing many of us preferred to keep covered. Our preferences NEVER received comment, either from staff or other pupils.
3. I noted that Catholic kids of my age who accompanied us swimming etc. never exposed themselves, presumably for moral/religious reasons.
4. When drafted into our military, I quickly realised that I had become a mere cog in an enormous machine and lost any inhibitions about nudity. We had very few private rights! After field manoeuvres, we considered ourselves lucky to be marched into one of the smallish communal outhouse shower facilities; our chief concern was to wash off the dirt, grime, oil, sweat etc. as soon as possible within the short time allowed. Recruits in training would frequently be supervised by a fully dressed orderly, to make sure we washed properly and quickly, so that no water-and-soap-shy guys were allowed to pollute the unit!
5. In more mature years I prefer open changing rooms, showers etc. with plenty of space. Some swimming-pools have 'modernised' their facilities by carving up open changing rooms into poky, cramped dressing cubicles, with almost nowhere to place clothes, shoes, other equipment etc. 'Unisex' showers are unsatisfactory since one can't remove swimwear and wash the parts that SHOULD be washed.
6. I have noticed a developing shyness among the young in recent years almost wherever I go. There are probably a plethora of reasons for this. Older men seem to be far less inhibited, and presumably are continuing to behave as they did back in their own youth.
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