If you could choose to be age regressed by any way would you want to?

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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Babyfur
  3. Diaperfur
  4. Little
I'm 24 years old and I resemble the appearance of a child and I'm roughly bellow 5ft tall highly energetic and miss being younger. I look act and I'm treated young because I choose to want that kind of age regression. Do you think certain people who are like me should have the right to claim being a youth but would have to follow the laws of being a youth or minor would you approve of this if there life span is greater than others? In other words lets say my life span is still in a youth stage and hasn't taken the form of an adult should they be age regressed until there life span reaches that of an adults appearance?
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Not sure what you mean here.... Do you mean to ask if the people who are not quite legal adults who are still not mature enough to become one should be age regressed until they become so in age? The way you present the question is not very clear and I am having trouble answering it without more detail.
BabyMagickKitsune said:
Do you think certain people who are like me should have the right to claim being a youth but would have to follow the laws of being a youth or minor would you approve of this if there life span is greater than others?

Short answer no. Just because some people are younger in appearance and mature later doesn't mean they should still be legally treated as a youth. How would someone determine that with accuracy? You couldn't. Even if you could, who would determine that? For what purpose? What advantage would there be for someone older to be labeled a minor?

Many laws will state when a certain age is reached (e.g. 18) a person can make adult decisions without parental consent, vote, go to war, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, etc. That doesn't mean that everyone is at the same maturity level at that age. It just means they have to draw the line somewhere and can't make that call on a case by case basis. Some people age faster than others. That's just a fact of life, but there are a number of things you can do to speed up or slow down that process.
Absolutely. I firmly believe that ALL people should be treated based on how mature they are, not by how old their body is.

I've seen 10 year olds who were better at being aduls than some 45 year olds (or even a specific 71 year old we all know of).

I see no reason why this same standard wouldn't or shouldn't work both ways too. If you want to go around acting like a toddler, then expect to be treated like one.
People can be declared mentally incompetent as adults but it's a higher bar than just acting like a kid sometimes. Obviously, it has nothing to do with appearance. If you're an adult, you're pretty much stuck with it. There's a lot of good things that go with it.
I want to say YES to this, if you feel like a youth you probably should be treated as such but society wise I would hate to see people legally being treated differently.

I truly think one of us needs to win a huge lotto and buy an abandoned town (or Island) somewhere and make this into an ABDL and caregivers sanctuary with no one else (and definitely no children) allowed... there one could be infantilised all they want and leave when they have had enough.
Slomo said:
Absolutely. I firmly believe that ALL people should be treated based on how mature they are, not by how old their body is.

I've seen 10 year olds who were better at being aduls than some 45 year olds (or even a specific 71 year old we all know of).

I see no reason why this same standard wouldn't or shouldn't work both ways too. If you want to go around acting like a toddler, then expect to be treated like one.

I agree with you.
I think it depends. For me, I wish certain places or people would treat me like a child. The only reason why in my case is because I have special needs. I also have extremely severe anxiety as well. I'm easily frightened by hospitals, but they don't usually see that I have disabilities. This is because they are invisible. I get treated more poorly than others because I'm prone to severe meltdowns/panic attacks.

Spaz said:
Many laws will state when a certain age is reached (e.g. 18) a person can make adult decisions without parental consent, vote, go to war, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, etc. That doesn't mean that everyone is at the same maturity level at that age. It just means they have to draw the line somewhere and can't make that call on a case by case basis. Some people age faster than others. That's just a fact of life, but there are a number of things you can do to speed up or slow down that process.

That's not entirely true. Don't forget that there are those who are severely disabled or unable to care for themselves as well. In the US, we have a program called "Guardianship". Here is the definition for what it basically means: "Guardianship is often over a child or an individual who has become incapacitated through age or disability". It means that a parent or guardian can acquire guardianship over an adult who is unable to take care of themselves or make legal decisions. My dad has been thinking of getting me on this because I cant always make my own decisions and such. I always look to my parents because my brain shuts down, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
I think if somehow due to highly advanced technology or even magic--if it were to exist--I wouldn't mind setting the clock back and become an infant or small child again. i remember reading an ABDL story where the protagonist went to a place where they were to be physically regressed to infancy and then after the several-year process, were raised by a caring family of volunteers and given a idealistic childhood. After that time they were put into a state to re-integrate their old memories with the new ones and they would supposedly come out a healthier person than when they started the whole process.

A lot of bad things happened to me in my childhood and I still have gaping holes in my memory. Physical, mental, and sexual abuse as well as extreme bullying have taken a severe toll on me. I'm actually surprised that I have not killed myself, fell into deep drug use, ended up in a padded room, or have become a monster. Somehow I'm somewhat together and I do have a strong sense of right and wrong--I have not become any of the above.
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