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ManeWulf said:
I doubt aliens would risk visiting Earth even if they could - there's a lot of missile defense and few resources worth visiting an inhabited planet for.

Actually, we're lucky when our missile defenses can actually take down missiles
Slomo said:
I do agree our pop culture has "invalidated" a lot of UFO sightings. However, I'm not saying intillegent alien life exists and has visited us either. I am however saying, it isn't as unlikely as some may think. Stay skeptical, but keep an open mind.

ShippoFox said:
Actually, we're lucky when our missile defenses can actually take down missiles

Isn't that the truth. We couldn't even come up with the iron shield defence system, and have disgruntled postal workers flying over the whitehouse lawn.

Many american put way too much faith in our missle defence systems. The relaity is we most likely wouldn't be able to stop a north korean icbm detonating over the western US. Let alone an advanced gravity manipulating ufo that can fly at over mach 10 in our atmosphere and do an instant 90 degree trun without slowing down.

Lets just be thankful there are vastly more resources in space which are easier to get to than on earth. The only thing on our planet that would interest an alien race, would be humans. And boy do we know how to be entertaining.
There's a place in Mexico known as Mapimi Silent Zone which the UFO sightings are quite common there.
The past 15 years my dad and me we went there and the locals say that they have seen strange lights at night.
Slomo said:
Lets just be thankful there are vastly more resources in space which are easier to get to than on earth. The only thing on our planet that would interest an alien race, would be humans. And boy do we know how to be entertaining.

And we're delicious when roasted over a slow, alien fire.
dogboy said:
And we're delicious when roasted over a slow, alien fire.

Remember the 1962 Twilight Zone episode #89 "To Serve Man"?
Kenn said:
Remember the 1962 Twilight Zone episode #89 "To Serve Man"?

I always watch The Twilight Zone New Year's Marathon on Syfy. That's a good episode.
As a trained Electronics Engineer I do not believe in UFO's or Ancient Astronauts.
Do I believe that aliens exist somewhere in the universe? Absolutely! There are more stars in the observable universe than there are grains of sand on the entire planet. And all those stars contain how many planets. And then you add all the moons of those planets. It is inconceivable that out of all those billions upon billions of options, the ONLY option for life is Earth.

However, do I believe that aliens have visited Earth, that UFOs have been here, and the government is covering it up? Absolutely not! Space is big! Really freaking big! The closest star system is about 4 light years away. At speeds we can travel, the fastest we can go with our technology, it would not take 4 years. No, it would take us 137,000 years to get to that closet star.

Any alien species that would be able to achieve interstellar travel, would be WAY more advanced than we are, and would almost certainly have no interest in Earth. We'd be insignificant ants to them, and I don't see them harvesting our resources as pretty much all of our resources, there's plenty more in space. Our oceans are nothing compared to the bodies of water in space (https://www.fastcompany.com/1769468/scientists-discover-oldest-largest-body-water-existence-space). They can get far more metals from asteroid mining, and far more hydrocarbons from a planet such as Jupiter. I'd be shocked if aliens wanted to visit Earth for any reason. The closest I can think of would be some biological study in the same way we study ants. But even, it seems like it'd be too much of a hassle and not worth their time.
Gsmax said:
Do I believe that aliens exist somewhere in the universe? Absolutely! There are more stars in the observable universe than there are grains of sand on the entire planet. And all those stars contain how many planets. And then you add all the moons of those planets. It is inconceivable that out of all those billions upon billions of options, the ONLY option for life is Earth.

However, do I believe that aliens have visited Earth, that UFOs have been here, and the government is covering it up? Absolutely not! Space is big! Really freaking big! The closest star system is about 4 light years away. At speeds we can travel, the fastest we can go with our technology, it would not take 4 years. No, it would take us 137,000 years to get to that closet star.

Any alien species that would be able to achieve interstellar travel, would be WAY more advanced than we are, and would almost certainly have no interest in Earth. We'd be insignificant ants to them, and I don't see them harvesting our resources as pretty much all of our resources, there's plenty more in space. Our oceans are nothing compared to the bodies of water in space (https://www.fastcompany.com/1769468/scientists-discover-oldest-largest-body-water-existence-space). They can get far more metals from asteroid mining, and far more hydrocarbons from a planet such as Jupiter. I'd be shocked if aliens wanted to visit Earth for any reason. The closest I can think of would be some biological study in the same way we study ants. But even, it seems like it'd be too much of a hassle and not worth their time.

Not really. We already have a basic working understanding of folding space time using an albacurie drive, which would allow traveling vast distances in a fraction of the time (and without actually even moving too). We even have reactionless em drives and cryogenics should a slower route be needed. Or what about a generational ship of some sort, we already have submarines that can stay under water for years at a time. Making that same setup to include hydroponics food growing (which we also already have) wouldn't be a problem.

It is already fully "plausible" for humans to traverse the vast distances of space. Though, actual implimentation and the will/money to do so is not there. Still, the kind of advancement needed for interstellar space travel isn't much more than what we already have.

And don't you think our world would he boring without neighbors or nearby friends living next door? The biggest thing any other race would want with us- is us. No need for resources or biolical experimentation (though with curiosity and already being "next door" they may anyways).
caitianx said:
As a trained Electronics Engineer I do not believe in UFO's or Ancient Astronauts.

I feel compelled to ask: in what way does your training as an EE influence your beliefs regarding UFO's? A friend of mine holds a Ph. D. in EE and most definitely believes in them.
Maxx said:
The huge distances to other star systems and galaxies make interstellar travel by living beings unlikely. Even less likely that they'd manage to find us during the short sliver of time that we've been doing things detectable from a long way away... like broadcast RF or atomic testing.

This is the crux, isn't it? And there are some subtleties to it. Assuming one could travel by bending space as gravity does, the vast distances would not matter. The speed of light limits the rate at which things can move through space, but does not govern changes to the geometry of the space itself.

Notwithstanding bending of space, though... even traveling at subluminal speeds, it is possible to reach an arbitrary distance in an arbitrarily short amount of time as measured by the traveler. More time will have elapsed at their origin and at their destination than has elapsed for the traveler, though. That's Einstein's Relativity for you.
Maxx said:
Well, yes, but our knowledge of this is currently at the mathematical game level. Much as I like Star Trek, I'm not going to equate that remote not-even-theoretical possibility with an unidentified light or 'thing' in the sky. "Honey, can't find my shoes" "I think the NSA disassembled them via graviton beam and reassembled them in their Virginia headquarters. You shouldn't have sent those e-mails to Obama"

Haha. What do you mean by "not-even-theoretical" though? https://www.space.com/20881-wormholes.html First sentence: "A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space-time..."
Maxx said:
My concept of theoretical involves a bit more meat on the bones of a crazy-ass idea. But if you're willing to trust it enough to "ENGAGE", have at it!

I suppose I am unclear on your requirements. Something is "theoretical" if it is
(1) Supported or predicted by physical / mathematical theory, and
(2) ...?


And to clarify, I am not arguing that "they're here." But I don't want to discount the possibility for the wrong reasons. The notion that no alien civilization would visit Earth due to the vast interstellar distances is simply not persuasive; our own theories of physics predict that this obstacle is surmountable. A better argument is the one raised by Gsmax: why in the world would they bother to come here? Assuming their interest is selfish, there are no resources to be found on Earth that can't be found in greater quantity elsewhere. So any theory claiming that aliens are visiting Earth would necessarily have to justify itself in terms of unselfish interest, which — while certainly a very real phenomenon amongst both people and animals — is often found to be counter-intuitive.
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Maxx said:
Well, yes, but our knowledge of this is currently at the mathematical game level. Much as I like Star Trek, I'm not going to equate that remote not-even-theoretical possibility with an unidentified light or 'thing' in the sky. "Honey, can't find my shoes" "I think the NSA disassembled them via graviton beam and reassembled them in their Virginia headquarters. You shouldn't have sent those e-mails to Obama"

Wiki sums this up nicely. "A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."

Notice how theories are based on fact and confirmed observation. The Law of Gravity is a theory, but you don't seem to be debunking it when your shoes stay right were you left them.
I think most UFO's are from Earth, spy planes or secret planes like whats commonly called andromeda.
:SHOCKED: ET is out there with out a delt but not sure there coming or can get to Earth.
I feel if they where to go to the expense and trouble of getting here it would be more than just to say Hi, they would want something, unless they been here for a long time and it more like the film "they live" and they been manipulating us for there own gain. :bowrofl:
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