Is this really a fetish?

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ManeWulf said:
You see, as I understand most fetishes in the public context, it is a subject of odd behaviors and mannerisms usually linked to partner-to-partner sexuality or the desire for it. I know, technically speaking, AB/DL is a fetish in the particulars of the term's technical usage, but any sexual feelings toward anyone in diapers for me have been slim to none. So, calling it a fetish when I'm in that mindset feels deeply strange. I don't know if it is this way for everyone else, but it doesn't really make sense to me to consider it as such when it has nothing to do with the original viewpoint presented for a sexual action. I'm not denying it is a fetish, but considering the desire here of maintaining a childlike state of mind, it makes sense to want a less adult-centric term to describe the action being performed.

After all, we turned paraphilic infantilism and diaper fetishism into AB/DL for this very reason. Therefore, I might avoid the term. Perhaps something like AB/DL subidentity would be better terminology in this case.

However, It's been said before not to consider labels as important, and I think that's fair to consider. Fetish is just a word. It won't change who you are, and it won't make you a monster to admit that you have some sexual desire to wear diapers. This may be also more to do with personal opinion; whether or not you treat it as sexual is up to you, seeing as it is your body and lifestyle. But it shouldn't be a make-or-break statement.

Labels are important. They need to be accurate for what they describe though. Otherwise, if I put a "hot" label on something and you though hot meant warm like "hot chocolate" then you'd get burned.

While I fully believe that no label should define who or what you are, it is this importance where using the right label to describe yourself becomes the necessity.
I'm in the middle. I've always wanted to wear diapers for as long as I can remember and I like to wear them for practicality and comfort. But then it can also be sexual as pretty much all the porn I've seen online has been linked to diapers in some form or another. Plus also it can be sexual with my ABDL girlfriend too.

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