Pouring Water in your diaper

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I sometimes pre-wet a nappy before putting it on, if I am expecting my urine output to be low and concentrated. As much as I try to keep hydrated and cool, sometimes there are situations where I can anticipate this being difficult The pre-wetting is not so much for the wet nappy feel, which is nice I agree, but to dilute the urine to minimise odour, skin irritation and hence the need to change well before the capacity is used up. The water does not fully mix with the urine as it is already partially locked into the SAP, but if it is well distributed so that no part of the nappy is actually dry, it has a definite beneficial effect. A litre or so added to a premium nappy seems a reasonable compromise.
I do it, but instead of pouring it into the diaper, I drink it all first.
ColecoVision said:
I do it, but instead of pouring it into the diaper, I drink it all first.

sound to me like the proper way to wet your diaper ;)
I have done this a couple of times before but I prefer to wet them naturally. If they don't get full enough I will fill them ALL the way because I love the sagging feeling. I also love the warm wet feeling. So yes I pour water in them.
My bladder does not hold that much so drinking a lot before bed is not enough. When wearing a premium diaper, I can never get to capacity even after wearing for 12 hours. So if I wear one to bed I will usually fill it with water if I can't leave it on into the next day.
Another fun way is use an enema bottle filled with warm water and a regulator clamp to limit the flow. I hang this by my head board of my bed, shove the pointed but soft tip well into my diaper and let it drip out. It is the closest I can get to the feel of going naturally. Love the warmth and diaper slowly filling up. Yes, a wet and heavy premium diaper is great.
Barnboy said:
My bladder does not hold that much so drinking a lot before bed is not enough. When wearing a premium diaper, I can never get to capacity even after wearing for 12 hours.

That doesn't sound so much like a bladder size issue, but more of a slow-kidney-function condition. Smaller bladder just usually means more frequent voids, not less overall volume.

That, and the kidneys naturally produce less urine overnight. Your body may just have a stronger nocturnal behavior that way.

Maybe try a diuretic? (something that increases urine prodution) There are a few common ones but you'll have to figure out what works best for you. Beer, coffee, tea, drinks with caffeine, etc

I try to drink several glasses of water in the evening (gradually, I don't just slam a quart or two fast), and top it off with a tall glass of milk just before bed. Helps me sleep and insures a pretty wet diaper by morning too.
I may be off with the bladder or kidney issue. I do know I am susceptible to Kidney stones as I have high uric acid so I take a prescription for that. A diuretic (to help with high blood pressure) is not good for my situation and what likely caused my propensity to stones in the first place . Beer and lemonade are good for my situation. Coffee, tea or caffeine are very bad and can lead to higher dehydration. Drinking lots of water is the best. But no matter what, I pee often but in smaller amounts (hence my bladder capacity I feel is the issue). I may only let out 20 oz over a 10 hour period. Not enough to come close to filling a premium diaper. I have often put an additional 20 oz of water in to give me that full and squishy feel I so desire.
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