Hi / Salut à tous :) : difficulties..

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  1. Diaper Lover
  2. Incontinent
Coucou everyone, (sorry for my english i'm french)
I'm wanted to talk about that.. so, i'm 19yo, student, and i wanted to talk to you about the difficulties to meet people with our fantasm in france, I do not know people who talk to me of our fantasm. I know its more simple to meet these people of my age (girls and men) in USA or UK so I join this forum. So,please mp me (only less than 25yo please) :)

I also wanted to show you one of my little philosophy work in french (sorry) on the fact to be a DL in different societies, and the difficulties to be one in general, the difficulties to meet a girl also.

"ABDL" et "AB" sont des étiquettes maintenant généralement répandues qui désigne une personne, et qui comme l'adore la société permet aussi de déterminer ou pointer du doigt les personnes ayant cette passion peu commune. Cette étiquette est aussi la revendication des personnes qui vivent intérieurement leur passion, n'osant rencontrer autrui, ou extérieurement, en le rencontrant.

Autrui.. ce mot fait peur chez les ABDL. Il semble constituer la première barrière qu'un ABDL rencontre quand il souhaite assumer cette passion : Et si cela se voit ? Et si cela ce sait ? Et si je n'étais pas COMME les autres ? Et si..cela me dégraderait socialement finalement ?
Cela est à mon sens, la principale raison pour laquelle notre communauté peine à se rencontrer, à se retrouver, à oser faire le pas vers l'autre. C'est le premier frein à l'expansion de la communauté des internautes ABDL sur les forum.
L'ABDL souhaitant rencontrer des personnes comme lui, est en ce sens, comme je l'ai moi même réalisé, celui qui assume sa personne, celui qui le revendique socialement, même si cela reste derrière un pseudo : c'est la démarche qui compte. Et cela devient, (si sa passion est sa principale obsession) sa quête du bonheur.
En effet, l'instinct, celui qui est le moyen d'atteindre le bonheur (dixit Kant) est la seule clé du bonheur : s'ouvrir à cette passion dévorante c'est donc je pense s'ouvrir à son instinct : c'est chercher le bonheur.
Nous ne sommes en aucun cas différent d'autrui, nous cherchons le bonheur à travers les pulsions de notre instinct, à travers celui que nous sommes, et en cela, autrui ne nous est pas différent.
Ce que je souhaite vous dire ici, c'est que les pulsions d'un être ne le détermine pas et ne permettent encore moins de le juger, les pulsions viennent de la nature, qui je le rappelle nous a créer.
S'abandonner à elle ne nous différencie point d'un être humain, qui à de plus, je vous le rappelle, bien des vices.
Et à mon sens, être ABDL, n'est pas le pire des vices dans l'éventail éventuel des passions d'un homme à notre époque.
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I think your "translator" program didn't work so you probably won't get many responses to your thread. From what I can pick up, it's very difficult to meet other people who enjoy wearing diapers and/or enjoy regressing, feeling like a baby or toddler. I've heard others suggest that one can meet similar people on the web site, "Fetlife". The other way is to go to Munches which basically are lunch get togethers with people who have similar desires. In this case that would be AB/DL.
English Translation

Too bad I chose Spanish 2 decades ago... How did Google do on the Translation?

Aoloon said:
Translated to English via Google:

"ABDL" and "AB" are now generally widespread labels that designate a person, and that as the company worships also allows to determine or point fingers at people with that unusual passion. This label is also the claim of people who live inwardly their passion, not daring to meet others, or externally, by meeting him.

Another word scares the ABDL. It seems to constitute the first barrier that an ABDL meets when it wishes to assume this passion: And if it shows? And if that knows? What if I was not the same as the others? And if it would degrade me socially finally?
In my opinion, this is the main reason why our community finds it difficult to meet, to find oneself, to dare to take the step towards the other. This is the first hindrance to the expansion of the ABDL community on the forums.
The ABDL wishing to meet people like him, is in this sense, as I myself realized, the one who assumes his person, the one who claims it socially, even if it remains behind a pseudo: it is the approach that account. And this becomes (if his passion is his main obsession) his quest for happiness.
Indeed, instinct, that which is the means of attaining happiness (dixit Kant) is the only key to happiness: to open up to this devouring passion is therefore I think to open to his instinct: Is seeking happiness.
We are in no way different from others, we seek happiness through the impulses of our instinct, through who we are, and in this, another is not different to us.
What I want to tell you here is that the impulses of a being do not determine it and do not allow even less to judge it, the impulses come from nature, which I reminds us to create.
To abandon ourselves to it does not differentiate us from a human being, who, moreover, I remind you, of many vices.
And in my sense, being ABDL, is not the worst vice in the possible range of passions of a man in our time.

Looks like a good philosophy to me.

Also, Fetlife has 50,000 members living in France.
Sorry for my english again x) I didn't use a translator, I thought it will be worse and I have to practice the language in order to progress x))
So, thanks Jeremiah and dogboy. Dogboy yes you sum up the primary aspect of my post :) It's difficult to meet these people in France, but not in other countries, and that's because of societies.. So I came in a English forum :)
I absolutly agree with you, Aoloon. I'm from Middle Europe where people are homophobic, xenophobic and very traditional in these terms. I hope I find intelligent, understanding girl with who I could share this interest eventhough my chances are extremly low. The whole point is to not surrender and always try and try to find someone-your soulmate.
That's it BabyJacob98 :)
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