My poor stuffed animals :(

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something happened that made me really sad and no one around me can really understand why I felt that way and why I couldn't just take it as a joke and I really need to share this with someone who might get it, so I'm sorry for bringing up a sad topic, but I need you guys. :(

Yesterday my boyfriend had a friend visiting us. It was all fine till he started throwing me my stuffed animals. That wasn't too bad yet, but then he took my favourite one - a little sheep I sleep with - by her ear and when I told him to stop it and give her to me (bc even though I rationally know it's just a thing, I feel like it hurts her), he just laughed and held her by her neck, which was even worse. He held her so I couldn't reach her. I was starting to feel desperate, so I told my boyfriend to tell him something, bc he knows how much I love her and that I hate when people do this. He normally is very understanding and treats her very gently, but this time he just laughed with his friend. I just felt like sitting on the bed and crying, which I didn't do, bc I had to act like an adult. But I felt so helpless and alone and betrayed, like I was a little child being bullied and the one person you think is your friend joins the bullies.

To make things worse my bf then took another one of my stuffed animals and suggested doing something really nasty to it (I can't even write it here). I then later explained that i really don't like when someone does this (in as mature way as I was capable of) and later discussed it with only my bf (in a less mature way) - they both appologized. But I still can't get over it. It did make me feel little, but not in a good way.

The bad thing is I can't share this with anyone I personally know, bc they can not possibly understand, which I get and respect. But I need to get this out. Does anyone know how I feel? :(

Thank you so much for reading this, I appreciate it a lot. <3
Leilana said:
I was a little child being bullied and the one person you think is your friend joins the bullies. <3

Not a good sign. So when your bf gets with others, he cares about them more than you. Is this really the type of bf you want to be with long term?
could you talk with your parents they're usely understanding you don't have to go it in a "little" way
BlueGrey Oh no, I made it sound much worse then it really was - I forgot to add that this is my perspective. The boys just thought we were all having fun and didn't realize till later that I wasn't. Honestly, how many adults do you know that would feel like crying bc you held their stuffed animal a certan way? My bf apologized many times and said that if he knew how horrible it made me feel he wouldn't have done it. Trust me, I wouldn't let him bully me. :) But thank you so much for your concern :)
icklespace I cannot imagine how my parents would react if their adult daughter called them and said she's sad bc some guys treated her stuffed sheep in a nasty way :D So no, I didn't tell them, although I wish I had some nice mommy (caretaker) to console me :( But I already feel a bit better after sharing it at least here :)
Aww you poor thing. I can understand how that situation could be really upsetting and how that would be pretty tough to explain while you're an adult in adults company.

I'm sure your boyfriend didn't mean to be hurtful though. Guys tend to love teasing girls they like and he probably thought you were just playing along or being silly. I take it from your comment about being mature that you're totally open about being AB with him. I imagine he understands better now if you explained it from that perspective. As long as your little sheep buddy is okay then you can put it all behind you now. :)
What you need is a real live German shepherd, one that hates to see your plushies get mistreated!
It probably helps that I am a rougher looking older guy but I don't know why your reply should be any different than what mine would have been.

"don't touch my s***"

Who needs people who need that explained to them?

Hi Leilana

Sorry to hear what happened. And I know your bf has said he is sorry.

But I think it is going a bit deaper than this. It is more about the betrayal of trust. You trusted your bf to bring to a stop something that you did not like. And he doesn't.

Trust in someone is so easily broken and then it takes time to be able to trust that person again.

I hope you can work it out with your bf, and your can build from this.

All the best


Hi Leilana. That's a really sad story, I'm so sorry that happened! If it were me in that situation, I'd get pretty angry. I don't even think it needs to be justified or explained away or worried about being seen as little. It's your things and people mistreating them, that's a really good reason to get angry at any age. I'm glad you got apologies after, though I'm in the camp that thinks you should make sure your boyfriend really understands why you were upset. I'd suggest pointing him to this thread actually, if that wouldn't get him angry.
I very much understand you see a part of you was in little space.
That part of you felt very betrayed very understandable you see our little part is always there some times out front when in full little mode.
Some times in the back ground when adult mode.

We get attached to our plushies especially that little part of yourself so don't think you're strange or anything like that.
our little is very much a part of us where most people leave it behind our Littles are a part of us.
So a friend hug from some one that has been there.
As I cuddle my bear bear friend.
Dose your BF know you have a little he should know that at times he needs to take that into account when doing things like that .

We can be very hurt in that mode being that is part of us we put in a safe place and it's there and being at a little age it takes thing's at that age level teasing can be hurtful linked with other thing you have experienced in your lifetime. Mabey a safe word you two can work out that signals going to far some thing like that lightens the mood.
So many of us would be devastated if something happened to our plush lost or broken.
Awwww, thank you guys so much for all the support and understanding! I can assure you I told my bf very clearly how I felt bc it was hard for me to get over it and he could tell. He even said he's gonna say to his friend to really REALLY never do this again, but I think I explained it to him pretty clearly as well. I hope :D We had a longer talk about my ABDL side yesterday. I honestly think he's more accepting of it then me at this point. :D But I still needed to tell this to someone who can fully understand, which is you guys. I appreciate all of the messeges and they're all awesome and all right. Yes, the guys thought it was all good fun and that I was just playing along, yes, my trust was very hurt, bc I really thought he'd save me, which combined with me being kind of in a little mode bc of that created a really awful feeling, yes, I wish I had a german shepperd to keep my plushies safe while I'm gone :D And I'm very glad I'm not the only one who's really attached to her plushies :) You really helped me a lot, thank you so much. <3
I could go mad and start crying like a toddler if one of my plushiesgot broken or lost!
Glad to hear it worked out. :)
It is a good thing I am bit in a relationship with him, or less he'd be the one needing the sewing needle.
I have kind of a happy ending to this story :) I told about what happened with my sheep to one of my friends (I didn't go so much in depth as with you guys of course), even thought at first I thought I'm not gonna tell him so that I don't seem too childish. But he kind of pulled it out of me. And his respond to it was one of the best he could have had. He literally wrote: "aww poor little baby" then "but it's not that weird"and when I wrote that it's hard to be an adult sometimes, he wrote: "sure is. that's why you need those child moments. to remind you that life is not so serious." As far as I know he's not AB or caregiver, but this respond was just what I needed. :)
Leilana said:
I have kind of a happy ending to this story :) I told about what happened with my sheep to one of my friends (I didn't go so much in depth as with you guys of course), even thought at first I thought I'm not gonna tell him so that I don't seem too childish. But he kind of pulled it out of me. And his respond to it was one of the best he could have had. He literally wrote: "aww poor little baby" then "but it's not that weird"and when I wrote that it's hard to be an adult sometimes, he wrote: "sure is. that's why you need those child moments. to remind you that life is not so serious." As far as I know he's not AB or caregiver, but this respond was just what I needed. :)

Yeah. I think there's a lot of people out there that understand the central feelings which make littles happy. Whether they'd understand if they knew the reality of it is a different story but the way I see it is that it bodes well for how accepting people who are very close to you would be if you could explain it all to them.
This is my day to be a little. In adult life (my kids are older than you) I studied abuse in social work. This is on the wrong side of abusive and if he can not knock it off you probably need to end the relationship as it is not OK.
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