PSA: So You Found Diapers In Your Son or Daughters Room

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  1. Diaper Lover
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So you found diapers in your son or daughters room. I am sure you are a bit perplexed, and in all likelihood, you are probably shocked and maybe a bit concerned. Many things may be going through your mind right now. You are likely concerned that they may be having a bed-wetting problem or some other medical issue. I cannot speak for that side of the population, but as I have grown up over the years I can help you understand another reason why your son or daughter may have diapers in their room.

My name is Jacob, I am a twenty-one-year-old college student. I am also someone who actually enjoys wearing diapers. Yes, you read that right. I enjoy wearing diapers. In the event you have seen some television program that portrays the behavior as freakish or pedophilic, I want to assure you that that is not the case in the least. Media is about ratings and shock factor. If a television program aired and portrayed us in a normal light with a slight quirk then the network would not have favorable ratings. Now take a moment and think about what I am saying. I am someone who enjoys wearing diapers, I really want you to think about what that entails. Of all the horrible things your child could be doing on this planet, is really wearing diapers all that bad. Yeah, it may not be normal, but is it really that weird. We all have quirks. I want to talk first about the three major types or people I have encountered who make the conscious decision to wear diapers, then I will talk about different approaches. There are a few kinds of people who enjoy wearing diapers but keep in mind that each person differs and may be a mix of them.

First off there are those who enjoy wearing them because of they are to them like a child is to a security blanket or a teddy bear. They help relieve stress and anxiety, and overall help relaxes a person on a stressful day. I myself identify most with this group. Sometimes people that fall into this level of diaper enthusiasm may wear a diaper without wanting to actually use the diaper while other times they may feel the need to use the diaper. I have personally met both sides of the spectrum. I’ll admit there are days in which I simply want to wear a diaper after a hard days work or class to relax, while there are other days where I want to wear and use the diaper.

The second group of diaper enthusiasts I would like to talk about are what are called “Diaper lovers” or sometimes referred to in short as “DL’s” this means the person usually has a sexual fetish that involves either the direct usage or indirect usage or diapers. However keep in mind that anyone can be a mix of any of these three major groups. For instance, many people who have sexual desires for diapers may also relax and unwind by simply wearing a diaper.

Lastly, the third major type of person who enjoys wearing diapers is called “Adult Baby” This type of person emotionally enjoys not only wearing diapers but also being treated like a baby. Adult babies typically enjoy bottles, bibs, being fed essentially the whole baby treatment. Adult babies can vary so much as we all do in every other aspect. Some feel like they are toddlers, and will talk in a simple babyish accent, while others like to feel as if they are still a baby and want no control over their bodily functions or autonomy in general.

Now there are two options to make after discovering your child is wearing diapers and you do not suspect them for medical reasons. To approach them and discuss the topic or not. First I recommend gathering as much knowledge as you can while being discrete. Are the diapers they are using printed babyish diapers or are they simple plain white, blue, or purple? I recommend not to invade private space, but at the same time if you plan on approaching your child (which I recommend) then you will want to be prepared and ready for whatever it is that they tell you. Gather as much information as you can without being too intrusive. Then you need to decide if you truly want to know the reason behind your child's diaper usage. Keep in mind that this will likely be the biggest secret they have ever kept from you. You need to be prepared for whatever the worst case scenario is in your mind, while at the same time try to keep an open mind.

As I have mentioned I recommend approaching your child. This is because this is likely the biggest secret they have kept from you, and thus is obviously very important to them. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but another reason I recommend approaching them is to set ground rules. But first, let’s talk about how you should do it.

Using evidence you have gathered you likely have an idea of if they are a Diaper lover or an Adult Baby, but you may not have much information as to whether or not they wear for emotional reasons such as if diapers are like a security blanket. I recommend approaching them and letting it out. You need to talk and then listen to what they have to say. Tell them you found their diapers and have been looking online and understand about Diaper Lovers and Adult Babies. Be prepared for whatever they say, try not to interrupt just listen.

Now, what do you do? Well, this is where it gets tricky, and I am going to approach this in two ways. First off Are diapers really that bad? Can your child overdose on diapers or can he or she really harm themselves by wearing diapers? Think about all the things you child could be doing that is much worse. So your child has a quirk, what child doesn’t? You need to decide if you are going to allow them to continue wearing diapers or not. I am obviously biased, but I can tell you that whatever decision you make will likely be one of the biggest impacts on their life.

If for whatever reason they wear diapers as a security blanket I recommend allowing them to continue and seeking temporary professional counseling. By doing so you can get professional advice and learn if this is something that really needs to be addressed long term, or if this is something that will become the new normal. Allowing them to continue shows that you love and care for them. With professional counseling, your child may no longer find a desire to wear diapers. However be aware that this is rarely the case. This is the only type of diaper enthusiast that I recommend getting counseling for. This is because if your child receives sexual gratification from wearing diapers than their fetish is no different than any other fetish. By forcing them to go to professional help you are only telling them they are a freak, and embarrassing them further. In short I really only recommend professional help if your child is wearing for emotional reasons, if they are wearing for sexual gratification, then by taking them to seek help you will only embarrass them further and push them away.

If your child’s diaper usage is a fetish then let that be the end of it. You cannot get them to stop and by forcing them to promise to you to stop you are only forcing them to lie to you and in the end they will feel bad and guilty. I recommend telling them at that point that the subject will not be brought up again unless it becomes a problem. This could be smells coming from your child's room, or diapers out in the open. If you are going to let your child wear diapers for emotional reasons or any other reasons you need to set ground rules. They must have self-control while remaining hygienic and keeping smells down. I would recommend getting a diaper genie and placing it in their closet along with an air freshener. They should also be responsible for taking out their garbage and keeping smells down, as well as remaining hygienic as possible. You could make them do chores for an allowance which they could spend how they choose, or you could outright buy their diapers for them. Remember that is important to your child and they are going to be looking up to you for your response and guidance. You are the parent and you will set the rules. If they choose to disobey the rules then they should loose their diaper privilege in the same way they may lose a cell phone or video game system.

The biggest thing I do not recommend is scolding them or calling them a freak. This is what I have been dealing with for ten years now. My mother discovered my obsession with diapers when I was eleven years old. She sent me to counselors and sought professional help. After three different doctors told my mother I was okay, but that this was not going to go away she gave up trying to get a doctor to get me to stop. Instead, she would belittle me and even try to humiliate me. I remember once I had a friend over spending the night and she came into my room with one of the diapers I had hidden in my room in her hands and told me in front of my friend, “oh Jacob I thought you were going to be wearing another one of your diapers today?” That was one of the most humiliating things I had ever gone through. I do not recommend taking this approach. If you do not want your child wearing diapers that be understandable, but the likelihood is that they will not and cannot stop. I purged many times, but the desires never went away, and it took me many years to recover from the damage caused by my mother on this aspect of my life. If you decide that you will not accept your child wearing diapers then tell them, but know they will not change, instead they will try to hide it and feel guilty. If you find diapers later on in your child's room discipline with caution, be gentle but firm. Ground them if you need to but do not make a public spectacle and humiliate them further.

I really hope this is helpful and hope that this will positively impact someone life, I am better now, I have learned to accept myself even if my family has not. If anyone has any questions regarding this aspect of my life or any questions about diaper wearing, in general, please feel free to contact me.

- Jacob

(Please Note: I have posted this prior to publishing on ADISC via my Tumblr account. Feel free to publish this article on any website that you deem helpful to spreading a positive message)
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Wow, this is a great start for someone searching the net for answers. However, you made a pretty big mistake in saying that a DL is someone with a diaper fetish. This is simply not true. By its very definition a diaper lover is someone who loves diapers. So then, would loving another person make that relationship with them a fetish. Obviously not, and neither for diapers too. And yes, you can quite literally love inanimate objects.

In fact, while love its self is difficult to explain, most would agree it's more in line with an innate compulsion than some sexual fetish. You simply just love them or it. There often is no real explanation for why either, and no matter how much you may not want to love, it often is not even something you can choose. You just do. And while some may tell you it's wrong, attempting to deny this part of who you are can be just as damaging as say, gay conversion therapy.

Of course, as you mentioned, there are those who also do have a diaper fetish. For them, diapers are a healthy outlet for their sexual well being, and they should not be discouraged just kept personal. Sure sexuality is an uncomfortable thing to talk to others about, and many parents dread the day their kids reach that point. But finding any kind of fetish that both stimulates and relieves that kind of sexual stress is much more better for anyone than attempting to deny that outlet. This goes double for kids going through puberty too.
Thank you for taking both the time to read my PSA, as well as the time to reply. I chose to state that a DL is someone with a diaper fetish for a couple of reasons.

The first being that for simplicity as those parents that may be looking into research would likely need simple answers, yes a DL may not necessarily have a sexual fetish involving diapers, but when a parent goes to do research or types diaper lover into their browser, the majority of topics that will pop up will be on the fetish side. I tried to stress the importance of those who wear for emotional reasons as a way to distinguish the difference, as far too often the phrase DL seems to be almost indistinguishable even within the community at times.

The second major reason I chose to classify a DL as a fetishist is because of the lack of clinical research on the topic differentiating the two as separate identities. While I firmly believe there is a difference between a diaper fetishist and a diaper lover until more articles are published, and the terminology becomes less vague I again need to refer to as a Dl as a diaper fetishist for the simplicity of the article. Again I agree that there can, and in some cases are a large differentiation, but I believe a majority of the population would not be as quick to spot the difference.
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