Baby themed bars: 3 in Paris, anyone interested in opening one in NYC?

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Little
I have an entrepreneurial soul, but lack much focus and direction. (Yeah, it makes me more authentically little, but it is insufferable)...
Anyway, as some of you may know there are 3 bars in Paris that serve drinks in baby bottles. One of these (Zero de Conduite) is a place that encourages all kinds of regressive play - they have cartoons on the televisions and they have board games to play. Seems very successful with a wide crowd.

Check out their awesome website (how this is not run by ABs I don't know):

The Yelp link:éro-de-conduite-paris-2

The Refuge des Fondues Paris is most well known. Just google for the best ABDL porn ever.

An article:

And a cheeky article with a slight negative bent...though the overall perspective is very positive across the internets:

I have a sense that such a themed bar could also be very succesful here in NYC...
So I am wondering if there are any others out there who might have experience in the food/beverages business that might be interested in talking about how we could get something like this up and running.

So what do you stateside babies think? Can we pull it off here?

I wonder how New Yorkers would react to an AB/DL bar/restaurant? Now Portland, Oregon.....yeah, go for it.
I think you could pull it off in New York, though you'd want to hit more of the whimsy crowd than the pure ABDL crowd. Fun drink names, childhood nostalgia, a bunch of games that adults enjoy as well as kids, that sort of thing. Also, no diapers, imo.

Portland, go for it! Midwest where I am right now...nope!

Nyc, maybe, but also agree nostalgia would be a safer bet out east!

Seems Europe is more open to different ideas than the USA...
ugh if you put one in portland I would have to catch the amtrack and go. DO IT haha. Living only 2 hours from portland is not to bad haha
I could see it down here in the French Quarter. I'd give it a shot.
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