Such a close call...

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Est. Contributor
  1. Adult Baby
  2. Diaper Lover
  3. Little
So, I had a friend/colleague come over to watch some football with me today. The past few months Ive been training and eating right and have lost quite some weight.

This friday, I decided that this weekend I would use diapers all the time, even if I get visitors. mid time I decide that I want some beer for the game. He then asks me to lift the shirt to show the wheight loss that Ive made.. err...

If I raise the shirt..the diaper line will show....Luckly managed to talk myself out of it with some excuse..thank god..

Was shaking as a leaf while walking down to the store..
What exactly was your excuse? I'm interested in hearing it.
Think I said that I still had a long way top go in my training...least he bought it..Need to get some boxer shorts that ride higher I think xD
Joakim said:
Think I said that I still had a long way top go in my training...

Your potty training? ;)
Depending on what friend it was, I think I'd have actually shown them my line, just to see where that goes haha
He's a good friend and colleague, and I'd like to keep it that way. To much of a risk showing off anything I think. Did buy some "Tena Fix cotton" pants, that semi looks like a boxer shorts and goes over the diaper to hide next time I might not have to make any excuses :p
Congratulations on the training and weight loss! I can be difficult to stick to sometimes, but the results are fantastic. I had started to gain some weight over a few years after a knee injury kept me from running in the military. I was doing everything I could (hiking, machines, walking, biking) to try and replace that cardio but I was still slowly putting on some pounds (approximately 20 in two years).

I ended up getting orders to a different duty location, and found out they had a pool there. I had been a consummate swimmer prior to joining the military and was looking forward to getting back into the water. I lost all 20 pounds inside a month and was loving being back in the water.

I had been hiding my IC issues for a while at that point, and had adapted to wearing slightly larger pants to help hide my protection. The pants were two sizes too big prior to the knee injury, but were just the right size after the weight gain. I had stopped wearing a belt with them as It wasn't needed and it had grown uncomfortable.

Well, with the drastic weight loss in such a short period of time those pants became two sizes too big again. I was at the commissary one day and had dressed as I had normally done without thinking about it: A t-shirt, polo shirt, pants, and plastic backed Depend with an insert (my go to daytime protection of the time). On that day I must've had a really good workout and a hadn't eaten anything because the pants seemed to be three sizes too big.

I had left the house thinking I'd be fine, but noticed very quickly and much to my dismay that walking around the commissary was causing the pants to slip down very easily over the slick plastic of the Depend. I was walking around with a hand in my pocket just to hold up my pants! I stopped to compare some different brands and prices of something, and while I was distracted WOOSH! My pants fell around my ankles.

I must've turned so many shades of red as I dropped down and pulled them back up quickly. I did the whole "nervous look around to see if anyone had seen" and was very relieved to find I had been the only one on that aisle. I was very much relieved...and then three seconds later my First Sergeant came strolling around the corner. I had never been so self conscious in my life at that point.

Moral of the story? Keep up the great work! Always wear a belt. And wearing a pair of underwear over your diaper isn't a bad idea either.
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