anyone else who hated cartoons as a kid?

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MitchThaToddler said:
Fiction in any form is a blatant lie.

Not by the definition it is not. A lie is something being told that isn't true with the intention to deceive.

If you know someone is lying to you they're still lying.

If you figure out it's a lie by yourself, then of course it's still a lie.
If they are out right that it's a story and not true, then it's not a lie. You need to learn the difference, and being ignorant on that difference seems to be your problem.

Anyway, let me just out right and say it to be as blunt as possible. You are wrong. No matter how much you try to argue about why, until you understand the definition of what a lie is you will always be wrong.

I once traveled to outer space! < --- Lie
This is a fictional story of a man who traveled to outer space! <--- Not a lie (There is no deceit going on here)
Anything not true is a lie even if it's not meant to be believed. I am right and no one will ever convince me otherwise. even if hypothetically I were wrong anything fiction should still be treated as a lie because it's not the truth. if all forms of fiction were abolished completely on a global scale and that includes Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, tooth fairy and other bullshit, and if children were literally never lied to you about anything ever, then over time the human race would evolve to be incapable of lying and people would be more intelligent because their brains would not be polluted with Lies. humankind would be so much better off without the ability to lie
MitchThaToddler said:
Anything not true is a lie even if it's not meant to be believed. I am right and no one will ever convince me otherwise. even if hypothetically I were wrong anything fiction should still be treated as a lie because it's not the truth. if all forms of fiction were abolished completely on a global scale and that includes Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, tooth fairy and other bullshit, and if children were literally never lied to you about anything ever, then over time the human race would evolve to be incapable of lying and people would be more intelligent because their brains would not be polluted with Lies. humankind would be so much better off without the ability to lie

You got some sauce for that spaghetti?

People are always going to lie. People lie for a variety of reasons. If all the works of fiction in the world were burned, you think that's gonna stop people from lying on their taxes or making up excuses about why they can't help someone move?

As for your comment about your kids having adult minds by puberty - I sure as hell hope you don't try to force them to have your childhood. Just because you were an odd case doesn't mean you should try to make your own offspring that way. Let them be kids while they're kids, let them do what children do. You don't have to tell them about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny if you don't want to. But let them play pretend, let them be imaginative, and I can guarantee letting them watch some cartoons won't make them into corrupt liars. I'm not going to mince words here: if you deny them a childhood, you're an awful parent and shouldn't reproduce in the first place.
MitchThaToddler said:
Anything not true is a lie even if it's not meant to be believed. I am right and no one will ever convince me otherwise. even if hypothetically I were wrong anything fiction should still be treated as a lie because it's not the truth. if all forms of fiction were abolished completely on a global scale and that includes Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, tooth fairy and other bullshit, and if children were literally never lied to you about anything ever, then over time the human race would evolve to be incapable of lying and people would be more intelligent because their brains would not be polluted with Lies. humankind would be so much better off without the ability to lie

I am sorry, but as I said you are wrong. Something not being true isn't automatically categorized as a lie. I don't care what you think. Also, it's rather dull of you to be talking about intelligence when you seem incapable of learning one simple definition. On top of that, you don't know how evolution works.

Here is a little information for you. Evolution is pretty much what gave us the ability to lie to begin with. You probably could trace it back to a instinct to protect ourselves in some way or to benefit ourselves when needed. Sometimes it's used to make ourselves feel better or to not disappoint those we care about. This is why children lie when they know they have done something wrong, they don't want to disappoint. This is a fairly normal human behavior and most of the time harmless.

Lying in and of itself isn't a bad thing despite being taught you shouldn't do it. In some cases you should to spare someones feelings or to encourage someone. Sure, it can be used wrongly, but so can everything else.

Rather than worrying about something so stupid as people who lie, you should be more concerned about things like war, poverty, hatred, inequality, and all the things that actually effect the world in a poor manner.

Personally, I think the ability to lie, is what keeps our world from crumbling and falling apart. If a lie can stop a war, I will lie. If a lie can stop inequality, I will lie. If a lie will make someone feel better right before they die, I will lie. Sometimes lies make people feel better, and you have no right to take that away from people. It's fine you don't like lies, I am not going to try and change you, but don't act as if you are right, because you are not.
I was forced to be a child by my parents not despite but because I refused to be a kid. I wanted to grow up faster than I was allowed. From ages 7-13 I even asked strangers to molest me because it would destroy my "innocence" and im totally pissed that it never happened. Kids don't need childhood innocence in fact they'd be better off without it as innocence is nothing but ignorance. I'd rather they be overeducated than under. Kids who can skip grades must skip grades. My plan is to make sure my offspring know early on that this world is rough and rarely fair if ever fair at all. The sooner they learn that the better. I'll paint my baby's room completely black so the kid will be used to the dark early on and thus will never be afraid of it. I will force my kids to learn as much as possible as early as possible. I will prohibit all cartoons and replace them with CNN. As much knowledge as I will give them my kids could graduate high school at younger ages than most high school freshmen. Not only will I never lie to them about anything I will volunteer information so they never have to ask. No toys either. Just nonfiction books with no pictures
MitchThaToddler said:
I was forced to be a child by my parents not despite but because I refused to be a kid. I wanted to grow up faster than I was allowed. From ages 7-13 I even asked strangers to molest me because it would destroy my "innocence" and im totally pissed that it never happened. Kids don't need childhood innocence in fact they'd be better off without it as innocence is nothing but ignorance. I'd rather they be overeducated than under. Kids who can skip grades must skip grades. My plan is to make sure my offspring know early on that this world is rough and rarely fair if ever fair at all. The sooner they learn that the better. I'll paint my baby's room completely black so the kid will be used to the dark early on and thus will never be afraid of it. I will force my kids to learn as much as possible as early as possible. I will prohibit all cartoons and replace them with CNN. As much knowledge as I will give them my kids could graduate high school at younger ages than most high school freshmen. Not only will I never lie to them about anything I will volunteer information so they never have to ask. No toys either. Just nonfiction books with no pictures

Are you in therapy? If not, get there as soon as possible. The fact you regret not being molested as a kid is a huge red flag that you have some MAJOR issues that need worked on.

I hope you never, ever reproduce. You need a vasectomy; otherwise I hope any woman would be able to see you're not fit to be a parent. If you had kids I'd be calling Child Protective Services and hope they got placed in a normal home where they'd be allowed to be normal kids. You're on a path to raising kids who are as mentally ill as you are.
Therapy never helped. If anything it only made my problems worse
Honestly, I don't believe you. I think you are lying. Which is ... sort of ironic. I don't think you would actually do any of those things because to do those sorts of things is to admit you lost your humanity and that you are a robot without feelings.

Edit: Also I see you are playing that game "Last Person to Post Wins". Claiming you win on that is actually a lie btw, because it's a game that is impossible to win, because you will never be the last person to post as long as the forums continues. Being truthful would mean you have to say "I might win this post".

So .. already you are hypocritical about lying, because you lie. If you lie then there is no way you can teach your own kids not to lie ever. I don't think it's even possible anyway.

Next, I see you tell jokes in the "Funny one liners" thread. Which is also a type of fictional work.

So I don't know about you, but from my perspective ... you are actually nothing like you are letting on here.

Edit 2: In other words, to put it bluntly again, I think you are full of shit and possibly just trolling.
brabbit1987 said:
Honestly, I don't believe you. I think you are lying. Which is ... sort of ironic. I don't think you would actually do any of those things because to do those sorts of things is to admit you lost your humanity and that you are a robot without feelings.

On the contrary I have too much emotion. that's what fucked up my life. childhood is exactly why I have so many emotions and that's why I plan on not letting my kids be children so they won't be crippled by excessive emotion. I feel a lot of pain because I was forced to be a child when I needed to grow up faster than I was allowed to. by forcing them to grow up faster I will be sparing them the pain of childhood
MitchThaToddler said:
On the contrary I have too much emotion. that's what fucked up my life. childhood is exactly why I have so many emotions and that's why I plan on not letting my kids be children so they won't be crippled by excessive emotion. I feel a lot of pain because I was forced to be a child when I needed to grow up faster than I was allowed to. by forcing them to grow up faster I will be sparing them the pain of childhood

No, you will be prohibiting them from the joys of childhood. Just because you didn't enjoy your own youth doesn't mean you should strip somebody else of theirs.
KimbaStarshine said:
No, you will be prohibiting them from the joys of childhood. Just because you didn't enjoy your own youth doesn't mean you should strip somebody else of theirs.

The way I'd raise my kids they'd be at least as irritated by cartoons and other childish "joys" as I am. They would be too intelligent to be childish at all
There is no joy in childish nonsense. Only ignorance which contrary to what you might think is not bliss. the way I would raise my kids they will be at least as irritated by cartoons and other childish shit as I am. I would make certain they are too intelligent to be childish at all
Raising a baby in blackened room and prohibiting any form of play or picture books would actually have the opposite of the desired effect. Believe it or not, play is how most children learn about the world around and develop the skills to survive. Picture books help children to learn to read, first by getting their interest and second by giving them something to associate with the words. A child raised in an unstimulating environment would also be developmentally stunted and likely have psychological and emotional problems for. From the way you talk I also presume you would not show your children any affection either. This has also been demonstrated to have very adverse effects on childhood development. There was a school of thought that love was useless and children should be raised without it, but all evidence would indicate this is incorrect.

If you don't believe me see the work of Harry Harlow, the case study of Romanian orphanages, and the developmental impact of neglect on early childhood development.
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They could still play without toys. They could play chess, poker, or some kind of sports. Of course I'd show affection. How could I not when it was never shown to me by my parents? They can learn to read without pictures. I always found pictures in books to be a distraction from what I was reading. I firmly believe that if a child is properly trained then reading exclusively nonfiction without pictures can be more beneficial than any fiction. Who says black isn't stimulating? I've always found black to be a happy color and bright colors to be depressing.
My point is too much childish nonsense causes immaturity and makes a young person unable to mature easily because it becomes a comfort zone that the kid won't want to leave. I'd raise my offspring to not be comfortable staying in a comfort zone so they constantly work to improve themselves
MitchThaToddler said:
I will prohibit all cartoons and replace them with CNN.
I've got bad news for you pal. CNN lies. They have an agenda, and they will portray the news in a whatever way best suits them. Do not just blindly assume that whatever is on the News is true, they tell plenty of lies. It is important to use critical thinking skills, and do research and not just blindly believe whatever the news tells you, I certainly don't view them as a trustworthy news outlet (I can't believe I have to tell the guy who hates all fiction and only wants the cold hard truth and despises all lies to not blindly just trust what the news reports as truth). Though accuracy in news and the media is a whole topic of its own, so let's move on.

I pretty much agree with everyone else. You need to see a therapist ASAP. I'm not saying this to be mean, it really will help you. I know you mentioned earlier that you tried it and it didn't help. Well, honestly, I'd try again, cause your mindset right now is not healthy. You already mentioned that you are not happy with your life, you have quite a lot that you need to work on. It may not be fun in the short term, but yeah, you definitely need some therapy. I know others are really concerned about how you said you'd raise a hypothetical kid, and yeah. What you described is horrible, though I'm not concerned since, if you only want cold brutal honesty, you're never gonna have said future kid if this is the attitude you showcase with any future woman, and if it somehow happened and she knew about this attitude towards fiction and childhood, this probably isn't who she'd want as the father figure of her child, and proclaiming you'll paint the kids room black so they'll get used to the dark and refuse to have any fiction in the kids life, this isn't going to do you any favors when it comes to custody battles in Family Court. Kids need to know how to differentiate between fiction and reality. It's a major milestone. Hell, lying itself, is a milestone that children need to pass, and whether you like it or not, your kids WILL lie to you. Lying is crucial to society. Most of history is based off lies, lies shaped the world around us. We tell lies in our daily lives. For instance, when I get a package and my family asks what I got, I'm not going to tell the truth and say "I just got some ABUniverse Cushies Diapers". NO!!! I'm going to lie to them and say it's some random thing. We lie to compliment others, we lie to spare peoples feelings.

I'm certainly not advocating for idiocy or ignorance, and I do want people to learn and be smart. There's lots of non-fiction out there that is super interesting. I love learning about history, I enjoy following the news and seeing what's going on in the world (just make sure it's coming from a trustworthy source and think critically when consuming the news), and I have written a non-fiction screenplay based on a true story before (yeah, my job by your standards, is pretty much coming up with lies all day, and then selling those lies). But it is also important to know fiction and see what makes a good story and how fiction shapes culture and the world around us. For instance, Mickey Mouse may just be a cartoon, which you hate, but he easily has had more of an impact and difference shaping our world that we live in than the vast majority of people on the planet, despite just being a fictional character. Many fictional characters have grown far beyond what their characters wrote them as and have taken on life of their own, being shaped by how we as society view them, and how those famous fictional characters. You don't have to enjoy cartoons and spend Saturday Mornings watching Bugs Bunny and Scooby Doo. But you do need to know the impact that famous literature such as "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Catcher in the Rye", George Orwell's books "1984" and "Animal Farm", John Steinback's books "Of Mice and Men", and "The Grapes of Wrath", among other super famous pieces of classic literature, and how they influenced our culture, and the themes and messages gained from these famous novels. They literally teach this stuff in High School, along with other novels in College (at least they do if you go in for a Film Degree, or any other sort of English Degree or Liberal Arts Degree). You don't have to like these books, or even agree with the mainstream interpretations of them (Always hated the attitude that if you differed from opinion on the book in school, you're reading the book wrong *ugh*). But you do have to be knowledgable about how to think critically of these stories, and show how they impact our culture (the same goes for cinema, music, and other forms of art). School isn't just mathematics and science and history. You need to know this stuff. I really hope you find a therapist and can get over this, cause I honestly feel sorry for you if you have this attitude. There's a lot of great art out there and if you can get over this hatred of...fiction, you could find some sort of art that goes with your style. It'd be a lot healthier for you, and you will be happier, even if you don't believe me now thanks to past therapy attempts, it will.
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I remember I hated on some cartoons when I was a kid, but not all of them. At this point I can't really remember what ones I hated.
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